ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 11 : ᑕOᗪᗴᗪ ᗰᗩᑭ

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"I bet it's an abbreviation!" Mitsuhiko said "The first O stands for ookii, which means big! The R means rich! The last O stand for otakara, which means treasure! So, that means it's a big treasure that will make you rich!"

"Wow! I didn't know you could read English, Mitsuhiko!" Ayumi praised Mitsuhiko

Mitsuhiko chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck "Well, just a little"

They are talking about what they are going to do with the money while Kana is looking behind the bus. There she saw the bad guys following them riding a taxi.

"Alright! Here we are!" Genta exclaimed when they arrived

"All that's left is to decipher the code!" -Mitsuhiko

"But none of the other symbols look like anything, except for the one that looks like an umbrella" -Ayumi

"That's it! It's the moon!" Genta exclaimed when he saw the moon symbol "The treasure must be where the moon and Tokyo Tower line up like this!"

Mitsuhiko laughed and said "That can't be it. The moon's position changes every day, and I doubt you could specify exact locations with such simple drawings"

Genta grabbed his collar and then asked "Then where is it?!"

"Conan-kun, did figure anything out?" -Ayumi

"I was wondering if the other symbols are abbreviations for things. Like this symbol beneath the tower could be a hat. Beneath that might be underwear. The umbrella beneath that could be an emblem on a sweater or something. And the things that link them all together..."

"A clothes store!" the three answered

"But this isn't enough to really..." Kana tried to retort but they are already on the run. She noticed the bad guys not trying to hide that they are watching them.

'Amateurs' she thought

When all of them arrived at the clothing store, the 3 started to rummage everything while Kana and Conan stayed outside. Moments later, they got kicked out of the store.

"Looks like it didn't have to do with clothing stores after all..." Genta said "I sure am hungry"

"Wanna go eat something?" -Ayumi

"Hey, why don't we stop by a bookstore?" -Conan

"Stupid! You can't eat anything at a bookstore!" -Genta

"Just for a short while. Okay?"

When they arrived at the bookstore, Conan and Kana immediately went to the dictionary section while the other 3 is to the comics section. Kana gave an Italian dictionary to Conan and he just gave her a confused look.

"Just check," Kana said with a rushed tone. Conan just nodded but not expecting anything

'I really doubt it' he thought. But the moment he opened the book, he realized that Kana is right.

He pulled Kana close to him and then whispered "Oro in Italian means gold!"

"I know that dumbass" Kana muttered

"Which means this code really does show where the treasure is! But how did you know that this is Italian?" he turned to me

"I have my ways"

~Time skip~

"What's up with Conan-kun?" Ayumi asked Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Kana when they arrived at the eating place and Conan is just writing

"How should I know? That's all he's been doing since we got here!" -Genta

"Do you think maybe he figured something out?" -Mitsuhiko

'It's hopeless! I can't figure it out! What is this code?! Is it a map? Or is it some kind of message?!' he thought then ruffled his cap in frustration "Darn it!" he said out loud

"Look!" -Ayumi shouted when she noticed something "Could that be it?! See! That sign! It looks just like the 2nd symbol!"

"Hey, it does!" -Genta

"Which means... Could these symbols actually represent...?" Conan muttered but Kana still heard him

The kids are getting closer to figuring everything out without noticing the people trailing them. Kana is being quiet since she's formulating every plan she can. She knows that they are very dangerous so it's better to be safe than sorry.

They are already panting from running around just to find the star-shaped one. But they already went through everything but didn't find it.

'How can this be?! We never even found the 5th symbol on Moon View Street between Tokyo Tower and the Nanbu Aquarium! Or am I assuming something incorrectly? Wait. Why is "gold" written in Italian? If the person who wrote this was Italian, then the moon symbol... That's it! I figured it out!" he then looked at Kana only to see her nod at a sign that she knew


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