ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 17 : ՏᑌՏᑭIᑕIOᑎ

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"Wow! Ran-nee-chan, you know Kudo Shinichi and Shimizu Daitan?" Ayumi exclaimed

"Y-yeah, kind of..." Ran stuttered

"That's so great!" Ayumi cheered

"I can't believe you know that famous high school detective" -Mitsuhiko

"Maybe he's even your boyfriend?" Genta teased

"No! It's not like that! Plus, he likes someone else" Ran shouted

"So he's in a relationship?" Ayumi questioned

"Well, I hope he grows some courage to ask her out soon" Ran mumbled but Conan and Kana heard her

'Shinichi likes someone?' Kana thought

~Time skip~

"I'm home" Ran announced her arrival to her sleeping father. She places the groceries on the table and then puts her hand on her waist "I wonder what's going on with Shinichi and Daitan. I haven't heard from them in a while" Ran mumbles

"He's probably stuck on a case or something" Conan reasons

"But they usually solve any case right away" Ran is growing worried by the second "Maybe they... are losing their touch" Ran mumbles

While Ran has her mental battle, someone rings the doorbell. "I am coming!" Ran opens the door only to be trampled by a bunch of boxes, also resulting in Conan losing his balance and Kana helping him

"What the?!" Kogoro woke up from his nap because of the loud noises

"Sorry, little boy," the unknown man says to the hurt Conan. While offering his hand to Conan, they notice a small cut on his index finger too "Are you ok?" he asks

"Yeah, I'm ok" Conan answers

"My name is Ogawa. Well, for 2 years now, I have received toys and money every month. There was no return address or name on it, and so I got freaked out"

"I see. Money and toys. Do you have any children?" Kogoro questions

"Yes. A 5-year-old son named Yuuta" he answers

"I see. How much did they send you?"

"1 million yen a month, and including this month, a total of 25 million yen"

"25 million!!" Ran and Kogoro shouts in shock

"What?!" Conan and Kana exclaim in shock

"Yuuta is happy that he gets toys every month, but the money part is kind of freaky so I don't really touch" -Ogawa

"Then why don't I take care of the money problem?" Kogoro shamelessly states

"Dad!" Ran shouts in embarrassment

"Just kidding!" Kogoro sweatdropped "So you have no idea who has been sending this?"

"Y-yes" he stuttered

"Maybe it's from one of your patients" Conan suggested

"Patients?" -Kogoro

"You're a surgeon right?" -Conan

"Yeah..." -Ogawa

"Then, maybe it's from one of your patients that you've saved. This is their way of saying thank you" -Conan

"I see. Wait... Did I mention my occupation?" Ogawa sweatdropped

"How did you know, Conan-kun?" -Ran

"His index fingers. You have slanted marks on your fingers, right? When surgeons operate, they hold the thread tight with their two index fingers as they sew up the patient. That's why you get a mark on your index fingers" Kana explained

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