5. Star Baby

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Hi, I'm a baby!

All this is exciting. And fresh for me.

I'm a girl, I'm four months old,

and my cheeks are pretty chubby.

The woman who gave birth to me is cooing with me

while I go through her Costco diapers like crazy.

She loves me, I'm sure of it.

Although there's something she doesn't know about her baby.

You see, I still have my previous memory

although it is fading as we speak.

Prior to this gig, I used to roam the universe,

plucking infinitely long strings to born life and physical matters.

On behalf of my creator, I lit the stars,

breathed the nebulae, and waded in the rivers of time.

I've seen planets born, civilizations fall, and wars recklessly fought.

Nothing's permanent, I can assure you, and nothing's worth fretting over.

That is why I came down here: to experience life, emotions,

and one day lead mankind to the universe.

According to the ancient scroll from the heart of the Great Spiral,

you are meant to venture abroad and make a dominion.

Anyways, it's time to go. I need to

poop, feed, cry, and sleep, maybe not in that particular order.

The woman who gave birth to me

is coming to get me.

She is always sensitive to my needs. 

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