3. Starless (28 words)

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The Aeons blew out our sun. Humans, they said, defile this sacred universe. So we dug in deep and let the cold, starless nights bring forth our demise.


The secession war ended, and the Jackal got incarcerated for treason. Eons later, he awoke from a cryogenic cell and found a dying universe on its last whimper.


The Chanteuse sang above the universe, so man could see Lord's heaven. Furious, mother cast her into Time's backwater, where the past, present, and future are entangled forever.


The intercontinental ballistic missiles had failed. The asteroid is still coming towards us. Fire from the blast will engulf everything, so say goodbye to your loved ones now.


"Warning, system malfunction. Hyperspace jump aborted." Izumo fell out of the slipstream beyond Aquila's Rift. No food, no water, the 300 sailors would soon perish and be forgotten.


The discovery of Zirithium changed everything. It powered our starships and colonies. But people started dying, crumbling. Turns out the gift was poisonous bait littered throughout the Galaxy.


The locals warned not to read the ancient scrolls of Ganymede. Yet we did. Now the Shadow is summoned from the rift, devouring our dimension until nothing exists.


The astronauts reported sightings of an intelligent, shape-shifter race. Then they lost contact. Years later, they returned home. The heroes greeted the press, their smiles a little strange.


Mayday, mayday! This is USS High Vision, a research vessel orbiting Mars. We have accidentally opened a portal to Hell... please send help! (Transmission ends with a scream)


We crossed the event horizon and saw something that changed us. Now we are waiting in line to throw ourselves out of the airlock, and I am grateful.

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