Souls Lost In Darkness

Start from the beginning

She reached to pull her hoodie over her head and he grabbed it and threw it across the room. "No." was all he said and she stared blankly at him. She then reached to do the same with her heavy lavender comforter, but he grabbed it by the edge nearest him and tugged it swiftly out of her grasp. "I can't do it!" she sobbed as she reached to find something else she could hide under. "Hinata, listen to me, this is not the way to handle things... six weeks..." he began and she stared at him sadly.

"You're killing yourself Hinata... you barely eat, you barely drink... hell you barely move! I'm not going to allow you to wither away! Not like this!" Naruto yelled; Kiba, Shino, and Hinata's father staring at him in shock. They never expected Naruto to be so forceful with the soft-spoken young woman. "I will do whatever it takes to get you out of this room, even if I have to come here every day and plead for you to leave it." Naruto said and a smile crossed Hiashi's lips, the young man was determined.

He peered around her room and took in the sight of the blanketed windows, blackened mirrors, and busted light bulbs; this saddened him greatly. "I'm not leaving." She said this so silently that Naruto almost didn't hear it. A frown crossed Hiashi's lips and his shoulders fell in his defeat, Kiba and Shino mirrored his defeat. Naruto on the other hand, his fists clenched so tightly that the friction could be heard by all of them.

"Too bad, that's not going to work for me." Naruto said and she frowned at him, while the others in the room stared at the two in confusion. Naruto whipped open the curtains, nearly blinding the occupants of the room. He slid the window up and took a second to peer down. He then proceeded to grab Hinata by her wrist and jump out the window, causing all of the people in the room to rush to the window to make sure they were ok. He was standing at the base of the building with his hand clutching his face, but you could see the bright red hand print on his cheek.

The looks exchanged between the two were of actual physical anger. "I told you I didn't want to leave! Why can't you just listen to me! I would have been fine!" she screamed at him, tears streaking down her cheeks as she clutched herself as she sobbed. "You're a damn liar." Naruto growled and her head snapped up at him. "You're so damn selfish!" he snapped and her eyes widened, she never thought those words would ever come from Naruto.

"You can't just shove us all away like this! We are worried about you Hinata! You're our friend and we only want the best for you!" he snarled and her lips trembled as tears streaked over her cheeks. "You can't be this damn selfish! You always cared for everyone else, even if they didn't deserve it. You do dammit! You deserve to be taken care of and adored by your friends! So..." he had started out yelling, but he took a deep breath and a smile crossed his lips as he crouched before her and offered her a hand.

"Let us in. let us help. We all miss him too." Naruto said and she sobbed loudly. "I miss him so much..." she sobbed as she rubbed at her eyes to attempt to stop the offending tears. "Everyone does, everyone misses him with every step we take. But we are all out and about, we are as such because we all miss him and we see him everywhere we go. He keeps us going even if he isn't here." Naruto said and she looked up at him, her eyes trailing up his right arm which was extended towards her.

The bandages that wrapped up his arm signified his loss, he had thrown away a lot just to get Sasuke back. She grabbed his hand and a brilliant grin crossed his lips and she couldn't help the blush that crossed her cheeks. "Thank you, Naruto..." she said and he grinned even wider, which she didn't think was possible but actually was. He helped her to her feet and she hugged him tightly. Kiba and Shino dropped from the window and grinned at the two.

"We should have brought you in sooner, damn..." Kiba laughed and Shino nodded.

After that day, things had begun to get better and everyone was all upbeat and things seemed to go smoothly. As the years had gone by, relationships had been formed, and had fallen apart. There were no hard feelings though... Sakura and Sasuke had gotten together but after about two years they had realized it hadn't been for the best, because there were too many conflicting things between them; but that didn't make them stop being two of the best friends there were.

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