Chapter 6 - All For Nothing

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"Well maybe we need to have Natasha stop setting you up on dates," Sam pointed out with a laugh. Natasha is notorious for setting up dates and while I was grateful for the effort none of the dates have worked out past one night.

The rest of the car ride was silent much to my appreciation before we arrived at the all too familiar Stark Tower. The Avengers were assembled a few months ago to try and take down Hydra, which I thought I got rid of. But now I have to throw my life back into taking down the organization that took everything from me.

The one good thing that has come out of this, is I have become good friends with all of the Avengers. We have become a close-knit family and they all know and understand my past relationship with Bucky and Madison. Then again so did the whole world, apparently shortly after I died a journal of Madison's was found exposing the three of us as a couple. I expected a lot of hate, but people nowadays are much more accepting than they were in the 40s.

"Alright, Tony what do you got?" I asked as I walked into the meeting room where the rest of the Avengers were.

"We have info that HYDRA is going to make an assassination attempt on a U.S. senator at his birthday party," Tony explained pulling up the Hydra plans.

"Alright, what does the government want us to do?" I asked overlooking the file on the tablet in front of me.

"We are going to use a life-like hologram so we aren't putting anyone at risk. And we will be attending the party as guests. Well, Natasha, Wanda, and Pietro will be party guests. Sam and I will be in the skies, Clint is on the perimeter, and Cap you will be on top of the building looking in through the skylight," Tony explained bringing up a 3D map of the building.

"Alright sounds like a plan. When do we leave?" I asked.

"We leave in an hour, so everyone suit up," Tony ordered before abruptly walking out of the room.

I looked up confused, Tony seemed more flustered than usual. "Does he seem more agitated than normal?" I asked the room.

"Tony is always agigtated," Natasha shrugged unconcerned by Stark's behavior.

"Alright, you heard what he said, suit up," I ordered before I walked out and headed down to the lab where I know Tony will be.

Tony was pacing and seemed to be kind of angry I knew he was more agigtated than normal. "You all right, Tony?" I asked breaking him from his thoughts.

"Yeah, it's just this mission is kind of important to me," Tony told me and it was then that I noticed the man had tears in his eyes. I have never seen Tony cry unless you count the time that he was completely wasted and he asked his boyfriend Bruce if he was single and when he said no he started crying. But I have never seen a sober Tony cry, or really show any emotion other than annoyance and sarcasm.

"You want to share?" I asked calmly walking out of the doorway to sit down.

" Yeah Ummm, you remember when I was kidnapped in Afghanistan?"

"Yes of course."

"There was a girl that was a captive of Hydra and was sent there to help me. She ended up sacrificing herself so I could escape. I vowed to take down Hydra and I fully intend to keep my promise," Tony told me, and I realized whoever this girl it was enough to make the toughest man I know cry.

"I made a promise that I would take down Hydra just like you. I didn't really expect it to take 66 years, but we can do it. We can take them down together."

"Yeah, you're right. Now let's go get those sons of bitches," Tony announced and I decided to leave the lab.

Tony's confession got me thinking. How many people have fallen victim of Hydra? How many of their agents are people forced to do their dirty work? I quickly got changed into my new uniform. I wasn't too different from my old uniform it was just slightly darker and had stronger material. I quickly grabbed my shield, the shield that's a constant reminder of what I've lost, before heading down to the quinjet where most of the team was already waiting.

Reunited - A Stucky x OC storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ