I sigh, knowing she's right. Looking through the doorway once again, I see Marcus and Al have gotten out a set of cards, and Damien is now solely in charge of Evie. The little minion is giggling and pulling at his curly hair. Every once in a while she'll pull too hard and I'll notice him wince, but otherwise, he's smiling along with her.

He looks completely different than every other time I've encountered him. This calm and gentle man is a lot easier to like than the Mr. Radcliffe I've spent time with at the hospital.

I let go of the cloth and stand up.

"You're right," I tell Kelsey, "there are plenty of other reasons to not like him."

She rolls her eyes clearly peeved by my behavior, "Don't be a jackass. He's still your boss, you need to at least be civil," she states.

I look down a little ashamed at the callout but don't correct her.

"Fine, I'll come out," I say, looking at the living room apprehensively.

"There ya go Bray, way to take life by the balls," she says with a mocking smile.

Glaring at her I grab each end of the rag in my hand and begin to quickly wind it together. Kelsey sees my action and squeals as I flick the towel at her just missing her running frame with a loud SNAP!

I watch her retreating form go back to the living area, and give a resigned sigh as I walk back into the kitchen to the sink.

Kelsey is right. Getting pissy at my boss doesn't bode well for future interaction, especially when he plays such a vital part in our lives in terms of holding contractual control. I also tried to remind myself that the man is sick. It doesn't excuse his behavior but does give a reason for understanding his actions a little more.

I guess the "gentle" side of Damien must be the "normal" side? Everyone in town seems to love him...right?

Remembering his recovery actually puts me a little more at ease. His freakouts were post-trauma reactions, and after his therapy is over, it sounds like he'd actually be a much more pleasant person to be around. I'm not fully comfortable with him yet, but I realize my thoughts aren't as negative of Damien as they were.

Absentmindedly, I turn on the faucet in the sink so that I can properly rinse out the rag when I'm assaulted by a large spray of water.

"Ah!" I yell and begin sputtering as the water attacks my front.

The liquid quickly fills my vision and the front of my top begins to stick to my chest. I sputter helplessly as the water sprays my face and I blindly reach out to turn the sink back off.

I take a moment to catch my breath, but the damage is already done.

With great irritation, I scowl at the sink. The top of my head is fully drenched with water and I can feel my hair plastered to the front of my forehead. The liquid is streaming down my face and trailing across my chest, completely soaking my shirt. The fabric is starting to stick uncomfortably to my skin, as the water acts as a type of cold plaster. The floor beneath me begins to accumulate a puddle of water as I stand there confused by what just happened.

Looking in the sink I glare at the item that caused the problem.

A Fucking spoon?! You've got to be joking!

Completely drenched, I grumble unhappily to myself as I make my way into the living room, trying to watch where I step so as to not slip on the hardwood floors.

"Hey Lou, could I bother you for a towel?" I ask completely mortified. Lifting my head I see that everyone in the living stops what they're doing and stares at me. There's a brief moment of silence before the kids erupt with laughter at my dripping form. While the kids find amusement at my expense I see Lou begin to get up with a soft smile on her face, also seeming to find my misery funny.

"Sure hun-"

She's cut off as I feel a warm hand wrap tightly around my bicep before I'm immediately yanked forward.

Just when I have a nonnegative thought about the man...

Surprised, I stumble clumsily forward, my feet stomping loudly in front of my propelled body in order to catch myself before I fall. I realize the person holding me is very quickly leading me out of the living room and to the stairs. The thudding of our feet echoes through the corridor, as well as my startled yelp of surprise. It's hard to keep up with his long strides, and I scowl at the large back steamrolling in front of me. Damien is rushing ahead, not bothering to look back, forcing me to follow behind him with his tight grip. Just as I'm about to voice my complaint, he abruptly drags us inside a room and slams the door behind me.

I jerk at the sudden movement and flinch as my back hits the wood door behind me. The door feels cold against my back, but I feel a warmth spread across my chest. Damien stands in front of me frozen, one of his hands still on the doorknob, the other stiff at his side. He's not caging me in, but he is definitely too close to comfort.

After my body realizes we are no longer moving, I immediately step to the side, away from the door, and away from the tall man.

Author's Note:

1. Please vote, comment, and follow! Whenever I get a notification it brings the biggest smile to my face!!!!

2. Really excited for the next chapter! I'll try to finish it up in the next day or two :D

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