27 ⦻ Last (L/N) Standing (rewritting ig)

Start from the beginning

"Two weeks and it's a deal."


I smirked at the disappointment on his face and nodded my head, "Alright you can come with me but just try not to embarrass me in front of them ok? And when we leave, you keep your mouth shut about us seeing them..."

BEN then looked at me with an almost sympathetic glance. "Oh, you poor soul. You don't know the rules, do you~?" I tilted my head, "What rules.."

"Slender only allows killers to visit old family members on oath that you pay the price of killing them off or sacrificing them to the killers in the woods after visiting~..."

Wait, what?

"I can't ...do that...can I? I-"

"Yeah you can," BEN said, smiling widely, "you're a killer, aren't you? Scratch that, you're a whole proxy. If you're truly one of us, you could kill anyone without problems. Even your own parents."

I looked away from him, thinking. I'd just gotten through the mission with the proxies earlier, and was still trying to process what had happened. What I had done. Would it be worth it, going to see my parents for the last time? Knowing that at the end their blood would be on my hands?

I imagine standing before my mother and father, them dying on the ground covering in blood, slain by their own. My emotions are scrambled. I'm trying my hardest not to care, like I should. A good proxy wouldn't care. A great killer would do it without remorse. Right?

"Let's...do it," I finally breathe out, slightly nodding my head. "Let's go pay my folk a visit."

BEN grinned and took out his phone. chuckling to himself, "This is gonna be so good..."

I glared at him with an annoyed expression before shrugging it off and heading to my room to grab Zweihander.


Me and BEN exited the woods together. I forced BEN to wear clothes to conceal his strange features from my parents, so he was now wearing a large dark green hoodie with the hood covering his blonde haystack and some shades over his non-existent eyes.

"BEN, can you please keep up? Hurry up? Don't make me regret letting you come.." I groan. He was lagging behind, playing on his phone causing the whole trip to take longer than it needed to be.

"Yeah yeah just let me finish this last level-"

"Benjamin Lawman if you don't put it away I'll take it!" I say in a stern voice.


BEN glared at me with a cringe expression, "what are you, my dad?" He hesitantly put his phone away and stuck out his tongue at me. "What are you, 5? Quit being a nuisance."

The two of us walk in silence till I see the familiar sights of my neighborhood up ahead.

Feeling my heart pounding, I quicken the pace and BEN trudged behind me. I walk up the lawn towards my old home and step up to the front door, feeling myself shaking all over.

This is it. I'm home. I haven't been back here since that fateful day. I think , Who knew playing sick to skip school would end up with me being forced to join a group of insane people living in the woods..

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