🔞|Nothing beats the original [JaPhil]

Start from the beginning

Japan's eyes widened as the man looked exactly like Philip. He turns to look at China who just stood there, more nervous than ever.

"Hey! Where did you hide it?!" He asks, Japan jolts and turns to look back at the small man. He was small, but he wasn't exactly skinny. He was toned and obviously works out frequently. "H-hide what..?" He asks. "The robo-"

"HeeeEeyy! Phil! W-why don't we eat dinner first? Japan said that he made us dinner so why don't we do that first, hm?? It's rude to deny food in your country, right????" China said, trying to delay the inevitable as much as possible.

Phillip looks at the two with a scowl before scoffing. "Fine." The two heaved a collective sigh as the three of them went to the dining room.



The three ate in awkward silence, with Phillip focused on his food while Japan had his head hung low. His cheeks blushed in embarrassment and shame while China was trying to formulate a plan on how he could safely avoid Phillip's wrath.

Phillip is one of the most known celebrities. And consequently, he's also China's celebrity crush. He basically worships the ground he walks on.

"So you're Japan, right?" Japan flinches and looks up, but quickly avoids making eye contact with him. "Y-yes-" he answered almost reluctantly. "And you are...?" Phillip's eyes widened in shock while China perked up as well, taking offence to what Japan had just asked.

"Are you kidding?!" China stood up and slams his hands on the table which caught Japan off guard. China had always been a poised and well-mannered man. So he's never seen him act up like this.

"N-no...?" Japan looked at China, confused. China's eyes widened. "Are you living under a rock?! He's Phillip! The most famous actor and singer in the whole world! How could you not know him?!"

"I...don't listen to a lot of music outside my country and I barely have enough time to watch movies...?" Japan answered, not knowing why this was such a big deal to China.

"Sit your ass down, China! I thank you for your flattering words, but you're still on thin fucking ice." Phillip glared at the East Asian, who flinched and blushed before sitting back down. Getting scolded by Phillip is one of his major turn on's.

Japan then turns his attention to Phillip who was looking right back at him. Japan looks away and Phillip quickly notices it and raises a brow. "S-so, uhm, Phillip, was it? Wh-what exactly are you looking for? I-in my house?"

Phillip sighs as he places his utensils down on the plate and wipes his lips with the napkin that was provided to them. "Well, you see; China here accidentally slipped and confessed to me that he had built a robot in my image WITHOUT asking for MY permission!"

China perks up, "I-I swear to you! I only took inspiration!" Phillip raises a brow in suspicion "Uhuh." China slumps in his seat knowing that Phillip doesn't believe a word he says.

"I-I see...well the robot's not he-" "China already ratted you out. So there's no point in lying." Japan immediately shuts his mouth and looks down at his food.



Once they all finished their meals, Japan hesitantly led them to a small, narrow room where he kept Philip. He showed them the charging robot and Phillip glared at China once he saw it. "Only took inspiration, huh? Tsk." He says before striding over to the android to get a closer look, ignoring the questionable maid outfit that Japan had made the robot wear. "And what exactly is the physical difference between us?" Phillip asked, hands in hips.

𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐈: Rᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ PH Bᴏᴏᴋ {Cʜ}Where stories live. Discover now