Chapter 6

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Harley's P.O.V

I woke up with a start and rolled over. Caius was sitting calmly flipping through the pages of a book pretending to read it.

"Did your mother ever tell you it was impolite to stare?"

"No because a leech like you sucked her dry before she had the chance." I snipped.

"Oh." Caius looked down for a moment before he smiled at me or well forced a smile. "I apologize."

"What about yours? What time is it?" I ask looking at the clock. Midnight, great.

"What about my what?"

"Mother? Or parents?"

"Why would I share my life story with a petty mortal like you?"

"Because you think that deep down maybe this mortal will be the first person to actually understand you." I respond quietly. That makes him think because I was right and he knew it.

"I was born in 1300 BC"

"I know that. What I want to really know is about your parents and your two mates."


"Yes two, my sources said you had two wives?"

"No. I have my wife Athenadora but no other."

"Oh. My source is going to pay for that."

"Who is your source?"

"Oh no you don't Caius, you are not steering me off topic. Back to your parents."

"My father was Theseus-"

"King of Athens?" I ask

"I am not as old as you think I am mortal."

"I was only a couple years off."

"Yes. My father was the king of Athens. We lived in a beautiful palace, my mother was a happy woman. The perfect greek woman. Phaedra my mother was a kind woman from what my father says. For when I was still a child she hung herself and falsely accused my brother Hippolytus of raping her."

"That's terrible."

"I grew up around the time of the Trojan War, I met the brave Achilles and I met Heracles. I met Socrates the great playwright of Oedipus Rex. That of course was after I was changed. When I became a vampire I quickly allowed my ambitions to grow. I became colder and colder, trying to claw my way to the top."

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