Chapter 5

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Harley's P.O.V

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed at Jasper. His loving look faltered and then he plastered it on his face. I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly and buried my head in his chest. I inhaled his scent and relaxed my tense body.

"I came to rescue you." He replies rubbing circles on my back causing me to shiver. We both held each other for a moment. 

"So I mean the world to you huh?" I tease.

"Can..can we talk about this later?" Jasper asks blushing a little.

"I guess we can. But don't think for a second that we aren't coming back to this unrequited love." I grin slightly until the doors open. Alec and Jane walk in with my sibilings following right behind them. Alec was holding a weapon my father and I had created before my sibilings were turned. It was a torture device but I'd rather them not use it. They approached me and shoved me aside like I was a rag doll before grabbing Jasper. They actually think they'll use that on him, how cute. I rolled under my brother's feet and wrapped gracefully lept up grabbing Alec's head and sitting firmly on his shoulders. The more I hang out with these dumb vampires the more I become like them. Did Caius actually turn me and I just don't crave blood? No. No that's stupid. Jane turned and glared at me.

"Pain." Ha. She thought that was  going to work on me, cute. I've been working on my mental wall on the drive since I didn't want Alec taking my senses again. I tightened my grip on Alec whom Jane had accidentally weakened because he was now in pain. He stopped and threw me off him and across the room. I hit the wall, what is is with me and freaking walls? I stood up and heard Jasper grunt and then scream. It happened again but Alice was holding me back from doing anything. I shoved her off of me and walked around trying to get at them but more guards had flooded in and were guarding so that  I couldn't interfere but I could watch. Fine. You want to torture me I'll just have to torture you. I walked to the bed and ran straight toward the dresser. Surely enough I cut open my head on the side as I slipped and stumbled forward. My nose cracked and broke and I bit my tongue so blood gushed from my mouth. Everyone froze and slowly turned to look at me with blood red eyes. I spit the blood on the floor and held up my hand that was covered in blood. They couldn't run at me though because as I had found out, Caius and Aro were interested in me alive and human. That was the torture, they wanted my blood but they couldn't have it. After a moment because they were loosing their self control they all sauntered out of the room. Jasper was next to me in seconds trying to help me, Alice stared at me hungrily and didn't move from her spot because she knew her control was low. They had left the device on the ground so I walked to it and broke it over my leg. The doors swooped open and Caius walked in silently. He grabbed my by my arm and dragged me down the halls to an empty room where he proceeded to patch me up.

"You're going to get yourself eaten one day." He scolds.

"Like you care." I respond.

"Harley, I think you could give me a little credit-"

"No." I cut him off shortly.

"What you did was incredibly-"

"Smart." A new voice cuts in, Aro I'm guessing. "Torturing them and pulling the attention from Mr. Hale." 

"I used to hunt you things for a living, I know what I'm doing." I respond coldly.

"Yes so you do. Maybe you know a little too much? After all you are human." Aro was eyeing me and trying to make me nervous. However I officialy refuse to be intimidated by these undead dirt bags. "We could easily change that." Aro adds.

"Change me? Pft okay give it your best shot." I stand up and stare at Aro expectantly. He rushes forward and I duck under his swooping arms. He stumbles into a wall and I snicker. Then I bump into Caius, no escape.

"Don't change her yet." Aro demands softly and hesitantly Caius complies. 

"She is strong."

"Yes indeed, she is also very smart for a human."

"Very beautiful."


"She's also in the room so include her in the conversation." I butt in and they both look down at me.

"We want to make you a deal." Aro speaks up suddenly.

"You stay here as a vampire, Caius' mate and one of the heads of the clan."


"In return we spare Jasper, the mind reader and all of your other friends and family."

"I don't trust you."

"We will give you one month to decide." Aro finishes and walks out. Caius stares at me and walks me back to the room I was in with Alice and Jasper. 

"You are free to roam the grounds, if you leave then we kill you and everyone you know." Caius tells me. The doors are shut behind me and I roll my eyes as Jasper leaps up and embraces me.

"I thought you were dead." He sighs. I'd rather be dead than have to make this decision. I didn't need time to decide, I knew that if we couldn't escape within a month then I'd be Caius' mate. I'd do anything to protect Jasper. Wait. Hold up. Back up. Did I only say Jasper? As in Jasper Hale? I mean yeah I'd protect him but wow what about my brother and sister or Char? Huh. Okay. Strange.

"I am glad you are alright." Alice stands up and smiles, I give her a worried look and she stops. "My vision?" she whispers. I put a finger to my lips but nod my head at her slowly. Jasper stared at us curiously but I tightened my lips and he knew he wasn't going to find out anything. Alec came in and stared at the three of us.

"Harley is being moved to a different room." Alec demands. Great, bossy little bitch. "What'd you call me?" he growls.

"Did I-"

"Say bossy little bitch aloud? Yes, yes you did." Alice laughs lightly. I like her, she's cool. Alec takes a menacing step towards her and she scoffs loudly. Like I said, I like her. Jasper tightened his grip on me and I hugged him once before walking out of the door. After quite a few twists and turns we got to a grand master room with marble floors. Mahogny dressers and nights stands. A massive washroom with a porcelin bathtub. 

"Do you like our room?" 

"I should have known." I state blandly.

"You never answered my question." Caius responds.

"Okay, why'd you seperate Jasper and I?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Give you both time to plot an escape? No. This way I can keep a close eye on you." Caius scoffs. Damn he's smarter than I give him credit for.

"Okay how does the mating process work?" I ask.

"There is no process. You just fall in love and stay with that person forever although there are ways to induce it." Caius explains.


"In your case if I change you, you may feel a pull towards me." 

"Don't hold your breath." I grumble.

"Not over you." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"You just are not that important to me."

"Right. Okay because kidnapping me, bandaging my wounds and trying to restrain yourself from changing me is all out of boredom." I respond sarcastically. Caius glares at me before turning and walking out slamming the doors behind him. I sunk down and sat on the floor. "What am I going to do?" I cry silently as I rest my head on my knees and slowly fall asleep.

A chapter for you guys to read. What do you want Jasper and Harley's ship name to be? Lemme know in the comments. What do ya think? Like, Comment, Rate whatever. Ily and peace out.

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