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The first thing I saw was Thorin fighting Azog. Blade to blade, the battle intensified.

"Thorin!" I cried, as I raced towards him to help him. Thorin kicked the pale orc back and turned to face me. "Thalia! Get back! Get back to the ridge!" He waved his hand towards the other side of the frozen river.

"I want to help!" I yelled. Thorin shot me a look before clashing swords with Azog again. My eyes gazed over towards the other side and I spotted something....someone...


I sprinted across the ice and found Bilbo unconscious. Blood was trickling down his temple, but his breathing was steady.

"Bilbo..." I stroked his wet bangs out of his face and grazed my fingers on his cheeks. I kissed the corner of his cracked lips. "Hang in there, Bilbo."

I turned to watch Thorin. The two opponents stood on a unsteady block of ice. Neither of them were moving, for they had to balance on each end. Then, Thorin scooped up the mace Azog held and tossed the chunk of iron in the orc's arms, which caused more weight to fall on his side. Thorin stepped off the ice and Azog slipped and sank into the freezing water under the thick ice.

He did it, I thought, and without thinking, I ran towards Thorin. He stumbled and I slung his arm over my shoulder. Holding him tightly, I whispered, "You won, Thorin. I knew you could do it."

There was a moment of silence. Then, Thorin broke it.

"Look." he pointed. Both of us stared down at the clear ice, and saw the pale orc float under us with his eyes open. "Stay behind me." Thorin said, keeping one hand on my arm, and he followed slowly as Azog drifted.

Suddenly, Azog's blade breaks through and shoots through Thorin's boot and through his foot. Thorin yells in pain and jumps back just in time before the pale orc smashes the ice and recovered on the surface.

Thorin pushed me behind him to protect me. Azog made a sound that could've been a laugh and raised his blade. Thorin took position and blocked the blow just in time. Azog kept attacking, and Thorin kept defending.

Azog took a different turn and knocked Thorin's sword out of his hand, leaving both of us defenseless. Azog raised his blade again.

No, my mind went blank. They took Kili from me. They hurt Bilbo. I'm not going to let take Thorin, too.

I parried around Thorin's arm and shielded him. A sudden blow stung into my stomach.

For a moment... I heard his voice.

Bilbo's voice. Calling my name.

I didn't feel anything. I felt myself falling to my knees. One of my dual swords was removed and I heard the bellowing of a dying orc. Then, my body hit something soft.

"Thalia...THALIA!" Thorin cried. I couldn't see him; my vision was blurry. His hand brushed against my face.

"It's ok, Thorin," I breathed. "I don't feel anything."

The Hobbit and Her MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now