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As the company loaded on the barge, I made my way in the back where the bowman steered. "So what's your name?" I asked him. He looked at me with hesitation.

"Oh come on," I said, as I hoisted myself on top of one of the barrels and started swinging my legs. "I told you my name, so now you have to tell me yours." The bowman sighed and smiled. "You seem to be the considerate one of this group." Then, he laughed. "The name's Bard." he said, and he ruffled my curly hair.

"I'm sorry," I said. Bard looked confused. "You know," I said. "Dwarves." He laughed. I did, too. "I'm serious. They are a handful." I said. "I mean, if it wasn't for Bilbo, we wouldn't be here right now." I remembered the embrace me and him had when he saved us from the elves' cells, and I blushed really hard.

"Well, you know, between you and me." Bard whispered to me. "I've never really been fond of dwarves." I laughed, then thought about it for a moment.

"If you don't like dwarves, then why are you helping us?" I asked. Bard shrugged. "Maybe because I need the money to feed my children." Bard suggested. "Or maybe because you and your other halfling friend are here." I nodded in agreement.

"Children are important." I said. Then, looking up at the cloudy sky, I added, "I hope that one day I'll have kids of my own." Bard smiled. "You would make a wonderful mother. I can tell." He winked at me.

Suddenly, up at the front of the boat, the dwarves began arguing. I sighed and excused myself to go see what the problem was. "We are ten coins short." Balin sighed. Thorin crossed his arms.
"Gloin," he said. "Come on, give us what you have."

Ugh, dwarves, I thought. Then, I saw Kili. He was on the floor leaning against the side of the barge. I could tell he was getting weaker by the paleness of his face. But there was nothing I could do. Not without any medicine, that is.

I went over to him. "Hey, he mumbled. "I'm fine; I'm just resting so don't worry." he quickly added. I didn't say a word, but instead I wrapped both my arms around his one and leaned against him. I pressed my cheek on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Thalia?" he said, shocked a little. But I didn't answer. Instead, I stayed exactly how I described for about 3 minutes.

Then, still without words, I released his arm and cupped his feverish face. I leveled it down and kissed his hot forehead and held my kiss for a couple of seconds. Finally, I pressed our foreheads together and I stared into his eyes. They were dark. "Kili..." I breathed. I couldn't find the words.

I felt tears coming and I left Kili's side before he could see them. I wiped my eyes while walking back to the back of the boat.

"Thalia?" I heard Bilbo call me. I stopped and turned to face him. I gave him my best smile. But apparently Bilbo didn't buy it. "Thalia, what's wrong?" he asked. I gazed over at Kili, who had his head covered by his arms.

"It's nothing." I said, facing Bilbo again. I couldn't tell him Kili's condition since none of us could do anything about it until we got proper medicine. "I promise, it's nothing." Bilbo looked at me, then sighed. "Ok then."

Suddenly, Bard rushed past me and Bilbo and demanded the dwarves his promised money. "Hurry, the gates are up ahead."

Bard commanded all of us each to get in a barrel. "Bard, what's happening?" I asked before ducking my head in the barrel. Bard looked at me for a second and then brought his hand to his chin as if he was thinking. "Ok," he said, which confused me. Bard pointed at me. "You, out." I did as he said. "Just follow my lead." he told me. I nodded.

Bard docked the boat and went off to a fisherman and began talking. "Thalia." I heard Thorin call me. I shushed him, even though that seemed a bit disrespectful. "What's he doing?" he asked quieter. I studied Bard's movements.

"It looks like he's talking to someone about us." I answered as if it was no big deal. "He's pointing at us." Then, I saw what his plan was. "Oh no..." I gulped. The dwarves grumbled about in their barrels. "What? Thalia? What's going on?" I covered my eyes as Bard and a couple of fishermen dumped cold slimy dead fish on all the dwarves and Bilbo. Gross.

"Stay by me." Bard ordered me. "Just play along." I nodded. We approached the gate and Bard handed a paper to the gatekeeper. Suddenly, a sickening man dressed in black walks up and begins discriminating Bard. Then, he spots me.

"Who is this ugly menacing boy?" he spitted. He thinks I'm a boy? I thought. Then, I noticed I wore my hood that hid my long hair. He got really close to me and I coughed at the stench of his breath. "My name is Frodo." I covered my real identity. "Who the hell are you?" The man made an angry look.

"Who do you think you are talking to? You have no right to ask my name, you wench." He took hold of my wrist with his clammy hand. I knew then it probably took all the dwarves' strength to not kick the guy's ass for touching me.

"Get your hands off of him, Alfrid." Bard said, pulling me away and putting a protective arm around my chest. He was playing along with my act. I gripped that arm as if I was afraid Bard would release me too soon. "He's with me and nothing else."

"Fine then." Alfrid smugged. "Just remember, Bard, that the Master is always watching and that we know where you live."

"It's a small town, Alfrid." Bard said, as he passed under the opened gate. "Everyone knows where everyone lives."

Once we were past the corner where no guards or suspicious people were around, Bard gave the signal to let all the dwarves it's clear by kicking down the barrels and dumping the dead fish everywhere. Eww, I thought.

"We're close. Let's go." Bard said.

"Where, Bard?" I asked. Bard ruffled my hair again and gave me a forced smile.

"To my house, of course."

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