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Balin led me further down the hall, with Thalia gripping my hand. She insisted to see me off when I refused to let her come with me.

"I will leave you here to talk." Balin said, when we stopped at the end of the hall. "Just follow this hall to get to the Grand Hall." Then, he left, leaving me and Thalia alone.

"Be careful down there." she said, as if she didn't know what else to say. "Don't go waking up any fire-breathing dragons now." She laughed a little at her own joke. But then lost the smile.

She was so beautiful. Her long dark curly hair flowed perfectly around her head. Her dashing playful eyes danced with many emotions. I couldn't help but graze the back of my hand against her soft cheek, and gazed into her eyes.

"Don't worry," I assured her. "I'll be in and out." I smiled to reassure her, and pulled her in my arms. Then, I cupped the back of her neck and pulled her close.

And I slowly planted a kiss upon her lips.

Afterwards, I brushed her cheek with my hand and hurried down the tunnel the Grand Hall.


I walked back to where the dwarves were waiting, thinking of what just happened between me and Bilbo. His kiss still laid upon my lips.

I sat next to Ori, who was leaning his back against the wall, and hugged my knees. Rocking back and forth, I thought about just how much we (the company) have been through together: trolls, Rivendell, stone giants, goblins, Azog and his warg riders, eagles, Beorn, Mirkwood spiders, King Thranduil's dungeons, barrel-riding out of the kingdom, Bard helping us, and now entering Erebor at last.

So much has happened.

So many memories.

I began to hum. I hummed songs that I've learned while staying at Rivendell and the ones I remember from the Shire. I gripped my necklace as I hummed.

I haven't mention this necklace before because it didn't serve a real purpose until now. It was my good luck charm. Why, you ask? Because it worked.

"Bilbo!" 5 year-old me called. We were playing hide-and-seek in the woods again and I was it. I searched in the trees and bushes, but just didn't know where he was. "Bilbo! I give up!" I shouted. Then, I realized that I didn't know where I was.

I began to get scared. I was lost, and the sun was setting very fast. "Bilbo!" I called helplessly. "I'm scared!" Suddenly, something rustled in the bushes. I ran away, but was followed by a figure. I tried to run faster, but tripped over a root and fell. I looked up, thinking it was a stranger who was going to kidnap me, but was surprised, and relieved, to see it was Bilbo.

"Thalia! Are you ok?" he asked, kneeling down and holding my shoulders. "I heard you calling and thought you've gotten injured." I wrapped my arms around his torso and cried. "I got lost, and I couldn't find you." I whined. Then, I looked up and stared into his handsome eyes. "But you found me!"

Bilbo laughed his 6 year-old laugh. "Of course I found you! Have you forgotten our promise to each other already?" he smiled. Then, he slipped his hand in his pocket and took out a necklace.

It was a piece of twine with little beads surrounding a shiny green gem the size of a large coin. "It's beautiful." I awed. Bilbo laughed and slipped the necklace over my neck. It hung just low enough for me to see it barely. "It's the keeper of our promise." Bilbo explained.

"No matter how far or how long we are apart, we will always find each other and be best friends." he said. "Just grip the necklace and it will help you get back to me if you're ever lost again." Bilbo smiled, as I cried tears of happiness on his chest.

I hummed the dwarves' song. The one I heard while we were still at the Shire in Bilbo's house. Its words were glued in my mind and I began singing it.

"Far over...the Misty Mountains cold." I sang. All the dwarves peered over at me, but I didn't mind them as I continued the song.

"To dungeons deep...and caverns old..." I closed my eyes. "We must away...ere break of day...To find our long..forgotten gold..."

When I began the next verse, I could hear the rest of the dwarves humming in with their low sweet voices that brought me to tears the first time I heard it.

The pines were roaring on the heights
The winds were moaning in the night
The fire was red, its flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light

When it ended, it got very quiet, but there were smiles on everyone's faces. Even Thorin's.

But that's when it all ended.

The mountain itself seem to shake as a terrifying roar came from the Grand Hall. I saw the flashing blaze of fire coming from the direction of the room. No, I thought, and rushed to my feet only to be held by Thorin.

"Let me go! Bilbo needs our help!" I shouted. "He could be hurt or worse!" Thorin turned me around and held onto me by my shoulders. "Do not throw your life away for the sake of one...burglar!" I stared at him, shocked to what I just heard.

"How could you say! After all we've been through together!" I yelled at him. I felt myself on the verge of tears. I hung my head and my body begins to shake. "Bilbo..." I said, lifting my head and staring straight into Thorin's eyes. "His name is Bilbo."

Thorin ran to Bilbo's aid alone.

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