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They took all the dwarves except Thorin to the dungeons. One of the guards were about to lock me up along with them, but the blonde elf who saved me stopped them.

"Follow me." he said, and he brought me along with Thorin to what looked like a throne room. On the throne sat an older looking elf with a serious and concern look in his eyes.

He spoke to Thorin as if he was some criminal. Thorin spoke to him the sane way. I stood next to the archer, listening to every word. Then, the king spotted me and had a confused look on his face.

"Legolas?" he asked the blonde elf. "Who is this? I stepped forward.

"My name is Thalia Hazelwind. I'm part of the Master Dwarf's company."

"I see," the king Thranduil said. "Hazelwind, you say?" I stood there uneasy.

"Yeah," I said. "What of my name?" Thranduil gave me a devious smile. "Almost 30 years ago, a soldier of mine left my kingdom for a traveling halfing and left with her. 5 years later, he comes back saying he's made a mistake with a child. A child who's half hobbit, half elf by the name of Hazelwind." Thranduil towered over me and took hold of my arm and squeezed it. I winced.

"Unhand her!" Thorin yelled. "How dare you touch her!" The elf, Legolas, took hold of my shoulders and pulled me away from the king. "That's enough, Father." Thranduil stared at him and then back at me.

"I had to kill him. For he was traitor." he said in low voice. I didn't meet his eyes, and kept my head down.

"Legolas, take our honored guest to his cell." Thranduil commanded, referring to Thorin.

"What about Thalia?" Legolas mentioned. Thranduil turned to me, and then at Thorin. Then, waving his hand like nothing mattered, he said, "Throw her in with her leader."

And that was that. Legolas locked me and Thorin in one of the cells. Before he left, he whispered to me, "I'm sorry".

I leaned myself against the wall and lowered myself slowly to the cold stoned floor. I covered my head with my arms an tried to hold the tears back. "Bilbo..."

"You should have faith in him." Thorin said, leaning against the opposite wall. I looked up and wiped my face with the back of my hand. "I know he's still alive. I'm just worried that something might go wrong. Maybe he'll get lost or seriously injured or...." More tears began to fall.

"This is the second time I've lost him." I said. "And I still haven't told him my true feelings yet."

"True feelings?" Thorin questioned. I looked up at him. He moved towards me and sat next to me. I felt my face get red from embarrassment.

"I'm talking about love or anything." I tried to hide my face. "It's just..." I couldn't finish and I started to cry all over again.

"Just...what? Thalia?" Thorin asked. I faced him with my tear-stained face. "Memories."

It was quiet. Neither Thorin or I spoke. After awhile, Thorin broke the silence. "I see."

I wiped my face again. "I'm sorry, Master Dwarf for-"

"Thorin." he interrupted me. "Just call me Thorin." I stared at him, then smiled. "Thank you...Thorin." Thorin had a confused look and I giggled. Thorin let out a small chuckle and patted my head like before.

I was suddenly in a happy mood and I wasn't worried about Bilbo anymore. I had faith in him. "Hey, Thorin. How much do you want to bet that Bilbo kickin' the crap out these elves?"

All Thorin did was laugh.

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