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I followed Thorin but lost him in the twisted hallways. I called his name and heard his grunting echoing, and I followed the sound.

What I saw was terrifying.

I watched as Thorin blocked Bilbo's path and pointed the tip his sword at his chest, which caused Bilbo to take steps back. His feet were almost at the end of the platform, where a long drop laid beneath it.

"Thorin! What do you think you are doing!" I said, shocked. I rushed between Bilbo and Thorin to where I was the one that the blade was pointing at. "This is not the time for this!" Thorin studied me, but didn't move.

"Thalia, get out of the way." he grumbled, but I stood my ground. "This has nothing to do with you, Thalia." The more Thorin spoke, the more scared I got. What was happening to him? It had to be the Arkenstone.

Balin had told me what had happened to Thorin's grandfather, Thror, and how the Arkenstone was the cause of all that happened at Erebor. The dragon, Smaug. The hatred between the dwarves of Erebor and the elves of the Woodland Realm. The dragon sickness and how it drove both Thorin's father, Thrain, and Thror mad.

Dragon sickness. It was taking over Thorin.

"You're scaring me, Thorin." I felt tears beginning to form and Thorin flinched. "Please stop this." I said. Slowly, Thorin lowered his sword, and I relaxed my body a little. Bilbo had his hands on my shoulders, and there was silence between the three of us.

But not for long, for a deep hissing voice spitted through the chasm. "Well, well. Isn't this interesting?" I turned and saw him. Smaug. I couldn't breathe at the sight of him, for he was massive in size and terrifying in appearance.

Suddenly, the rest of the company appears into play and guards Thorin, me, and Bilbo. Smaug bellowed of what seemed to be a snicker in his throat. I saw a golden glow forming in his belly and up through his throat. "Run!" Thorin yelled, and we all dived down and into a connected room just in time before getting burned to ash.

"Come on, we can't stop now." Thorin said, but Balin stopped him and argued over what we all should do next. Bilbo examined me for injures. "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm fine, Bilbo. Just a bit shook up." My voice trailed off at the end.

Bilbo knew why, too. "Hey, don't worry about Thorin. I'm sure there's an explanation for what happened eariler." he pulled me into a hug and I felt his chin resting on top of my head. "We'll get through this together."

We followed the rest of the company and came into another room. There, a terrifying sight fell. Bodies of helpless dwarves laid all over, piled on top of each other, scorched and decayed. I turned away from the sight and buried my face on Bilbo's shoulder.

"I will not die like this." Thorin's voice echoed. "Not when we have strength left in us." I rotated my head to see Thorin's expressions.

"If this is to end fire, then we all shall burn together."

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