The Crash

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Starting her car, she pulled out into traffic thinking. She and Caleb had dated for a few months. She had liked him well enough but didn't love him. As soon as Caleb started wanting more than hugs and occasional kiss from her, she started putting walls between them as she did with all her ex's. Sarah broke it off after finding him with some girl from her dorm making out in the campus library. She wasn't really heartbroken more upset that he didn't respect her enough to break up with her before chasing other girls. Now she was furious with him for thinking she would want to get back together with him.

Pulling up to a stop sign, she rested her head against the steering wheel. She had dated a couple of people but never anything serious. She didn't know what was wrong but none of the guys she dated made her feel anything but friendship.

Unbidden a pair of mismatch eyes and blonde hair came to her mind. Quickly sitting up and shaking her head to banish the image from her mind. Sarah muttered "Get a grip, girl. The Goblin King is definitely off-limits for you. Besides he stole Toby and would have turned him into a goblin. He's a villain remember."

A traitorous voice spoke in her head " Is he really a villain or was he playing the part you wanted him too? Besides you wished Toby away, he was only fulfilling your wish. Remember he was practically begging you to stay with him."

Sarah pinched the bridge of her nose muttering "Shut up, stupid head."

Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, She smiled seeing it was Karen. Since the Labyrinth, she worked hard to build a relationship with Karen. While Karen may not be the mother she wanted, Sara no longer viewed her as a wicked stepmother. Karen had become a good friend and confidante to Sarah. Someone she could talk to and would listen to Sarah over cups of soothing tea and cookies.

Sarah answered the phone, while finally moving her car, after hearing a honk behind her "Hey Karen, What's up?"

Karen's voice came clearly through the speaker "Sarah dear, I called to make sure your still planning on coming to Toby's 12th birthday party?"

Sarah smiled at the mention of her younger brother. Jokingly said "Let me guess, the little rascal keeps bothering you to make sure I come, right?"

Karen laughed "Spot on. In fact, he's right here hanging onto me. So that he can hear the answer."

Sarah laughed as she turned a corner heading to her apartment building that was set on a hill. She replied " You can tell our little monkey, I will definitely be there."

Sarah heard a woohoo in the background as Karen chuckled.

Karen then said "I must warn you. All of Toby's friends love your books. So be prepared for questions and requests of autographs."

Sarah laughed " I look forward to it. Especially if they're Toby's friends."

After winning Toby back, Sarah became the best sister to him. Despite the 13 year age gap between them, they were the best of friends. Toby adored his older sister, seeing her as his hero. When he grew older, Sarah introduced him to Hoggle, Sir Didymus and Ludo. She told him the story of her wishing him away and of her run through the Labyrinth to win him back. She told him that if he hated her for that, she would under stand.

Her sweet boy Toby hugged her saying he could never hate her. Then with mischief in his voice said if he had to babysit a kid that never stopped crying he would probably of wished them away too. Sarah laughed and hugged while making him promise to never wish away anyone to the goblins. 

As Toby grew up, it was quite obvious to everyone he loved a good prank. Sarah knew that not all the pranks that happened were his but the goblins instead. While trying to limit the damage the goblins did, she would catch Toby more often than not with them planning their next prank.

One of the grosser ones was putting worms in her Father's shoes. Surprisingly, her Father instead of getting angry, laughed and grabbed the worms from the shoes. He then proceeded to dump them on Toby's head as the whole family laughed. It was hilarious watching Toby jump up and down trying to get the worms out of his hair and shirt.

The worst one was when they changed Sarah's shampoo with something that turned her hair purple for weeks. That one got Toby grounded with a strong lecture of never messing with a girls hair from Karen. Sarah walked around with purple hair until the color washed out. Hoggle couldn't stop laughing when he saw her in the mirror with their weekly talk. Sir Didymus volunteered bravely to fight the sorcerer who changed her flowing locks. While Ludo just said Pretty like a flower.

Sarah was quickly pulled out of memory lane as Karen questioned "When can we expect you? Your old room is just the way you left it and you know you're always welcomed here as long as you want."

Sarah began to answer "I'll be there......"

Something hit Sarah's car from behind pushing her towards the edge of the road where it dropped down into a steep hill. She glanced at the rearview mirror and what she saw chilled her to the bone.

In the driver seat of the truck that rammed her there was just black fog with red eyes staring at her. Eyes that radiated pure evil and destruction was all Sarah saw before she went tumbling down the hill. 

At the bottom the car was right side up, Sara felt excruciating pain all throughout her body as she faded in and out of consciousness. She heard Karen yelling on the phone asking what happened. 

The fog of darkness was drifting closer to her. She tried to move but the pain was to much. Before falling unconscious she thought she saw goblins standing angrily between her and the fog. They were protecting her she thought before she slipped gratefully into oblivion.

Author's note: I am not a really big prankster so if anyone has any ideas of pranks they think fairies or other mythological creatures could do or even different april fools day pranks, please comment. I'll try and include some I think would make sense with the storyline.

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