8. B R O T H E R

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"people constantly change
so don't ever think you fully know someone"

Friday came and it was finally the day that their project was due, and they would have to present to the class. Since Yeonjun didn't help the last two days, he didn't really know what he was supposed to say or do.

"And before we begin," their teacher said. "I would like to remind everyone that your presentation will count towards the grade." Everyone groaned since she didn't actually mention it before. Yeonjun glanced at San and Wooyoung who seemed unfazed by what she said. Of course, they must've practiced a lot before today.

Yeonjun sighed heavily, feeling his hands shake at the thought of having to stand up in front of others. He was usually fine with it. Yeonjun was relatively confident and outspoken, but he was afraid that if he messed up, Wooyoung would lose it again. It really didn't help when he knew he would be going up there unprepared.

After seeing two groups, it was finally Yeonjun's turn. He stood up and was ushered forward by Beomgyu. Yeonjun stood in front of the class nervously.

"Miss, Yeonjun only joined us two weeks ago. He doesn't completely understand the topic and we spent most of our time teaching him. Is it ok if he doesn't present with us?" Wooyoung asked.

Beomgyu whipped his head around to look at Wooyoung in disbelief. "Yeonjun did participate! What are you saying?" He whispered to Wooyoung, who remained composed. Yeonjun was surprised himself. He didn't expect Wooyoung to say that.

"Well, if he doesn't present, then I will have to mark him down," the teacher said.

Wooyoung was about to speak again, but Beomgyu interrupted. "Miss can we quickly talk outside and present after the next group?"

She let the four boys out into the hallway, closing the door so that the next group wouldn't be disturbed.

"Wooyoung what are you doing? If Yeonjun doesn't present with us, he'll get a low grade!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"If he does present with us and he messes up, then we'll all fail!" Wooyoung retorted. "All of our work would go to waste because of one person. Isn't it better to let him suffer the consequence alone?"

"But that's not fair!" Beomgyu argued. "It's not like he didn't contribute. Plus, we're a team, we should stick together and help each other out."

"Beomgyu does have a point," San commented. "Just let him present Wooyoung. It won't be so bad."

"Are you kidding me? You agreed with me yesterday! Whose side are you on exactly?" Wooyoung snapped.

"Why do we even have sides?" Beomgyu questioned. "Put aside whatever differences you have with him and let's do this." Wooyoung was still reluctant. "Fine then if Yeonjun isn't presenting, then neither am I."

"Beomgyu that's not a good idea-" Yeonjun finally opened his mouth but was quickly interrupted.

"No, I'm with you Yeonjun. If he wants to treat you like that then-"

"I'm not doing this to target him, I'm doing this to help him!" Wooyoung yelled in frustration. Beomgyu looked even more confused than before. Wooyoung sighed in annoyance. "Yeonjun doesn't want to present. He does understand most of the topic and yes he helped with the report, but he doesn't want to present it."

"Why wouldn't he want to take credit for it..." Beomgyu mumbled.

"Because..." Wooyoung made eye contact with Yeonjun as he spoke. "He doesn't feel like he did enough... he's not confident enough in his knowledge... and he doesn't want to mess it up for us... so he's willing to take a lower grade for the team."

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