04. P A R A N O I D

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"Stop overthinking. You're only creating problems that aren't there"

"Who's house are we going to for the project?" Beomgyu asked, walking out of the class.

"Not mine!" both Wooyoung and Yeonjun said in unison. The two boys glanced at each other and quickly looked away.

Yeonjun knew that he couldn't have the boys over because his mother would recognise Wooyoung and it seemed that Wooyoung had the same idea. Despite not liking the way Wooyoung treated him, Yeonjun wanted to keep his life simple too. He just had to accept that he and Wooyoung didn't know each other.

"We can go to mine," Beomgyu offered.

"We should just get the project done early so that we don't have to worry about it last minute," San suggested.

"It's fine! If the four of us work super hard on it together then nothing can go wrong," Beomgyu said optimistically. "We'll get it done in no time!"

They made it to Beomgyu's house, invading his bedroom. The four boys were sprawled around the room, genuinely working hard.

Yeonjun just wanted to get the project over with because then he wouldn't have to keep being near Wooyoung. As they brainstormed ideas, Yeonjun could feel Wooyoung's piercing glare. He tried to ignore it and continued to act normally.

After a while, Beomgyu offered to get snacks for everyone. San said he would help, so the two boys left the room. Yeonjun and Wooyoung made eye contact and Yeonjun scoffed.

"You told me to act like we didn't know each other, so why are you making it so obvious?" Yeonjun asked with a smug look on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Wooyoung replied coldly.

"I'm pretending not to know you, but if you keep looking at me like that-"

"Like what?"

"Like you're going to kill me if I make a single move." Yeonjun went back to writing in his book, continuing to ignore Wooyoung, whilst the latter stared at him in disbelief. Yeonjun glanced up and chuckled. "See? You can't take your eyes off me. If they get suspicious, that's not going to be my fault."

"Well what do you want me to do?" Wooyoung asked, rolling his eyes. "Act like you don't exist? Wouldn't that be even more suspicious?"

"No, act like we don't know each other, just like we planned," Yeonjun said simply.

By then, San and Beomgyu returned with some snacks, placing it between them all to share. They seemed to be tired of brainstorming, so the conversation began to change to something completely unrelated. Yeonjun didn't contribute much, he just listened to the others talk.

Eventually, they all had to go home, so they said goodbye to Beomgyu and left the house. San, Yeonjun and Wooyoung began walking silently, until Wooyoung realised that he left his phone in Beomgyu's room. He went back to get it whilst San and Yeonjun waited outside.

As soon as Wooyoung was out of sight, San turned to Yeonjun. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Yeonjun questioned.

"What's the deal between you two?" San said, pointing to the door that Wooyoung just disappeared behind.

"What are you talking about?" Yeonjun asked nonchalantly, wondering how their cover was already blown.

"I know Wooyoung... he was constantly looking at you like he wanted to say something and he doesn't act like this with anyone. In the years I've known him, he's never acted like that, so I was wondering-"

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