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" 'cause you're everything I need"


"Jung Wooyoung get back here!" Yeonjun screamed, running after his best friend.

"Catch me if you can," Wooyoung laughed, pushing past students as he raced down the hallway. Yeonjun wouldn't have been so mad if it weren't for Wooyoung defaming him by drawing things on his face whilst he was asleep.

It wasn't long before Yeonjun tackled Wooyoung outside on the spring grass. He straddled him and tickled the squirming boy until he begged him to stop.

"I surrender!" Wooyoung giggled breathlessly. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

"You better be!" Yeonjun said, finally giving up and lying beside his friend as he too tried to catch his breath.

"It wasn't even my fault, it was Kai's idea," Wooyoung exclaimed.

"But I caught you with the pen," Yeonjun pointed out.

Wooyoung poured reaching into his bag. "Here, wipe it off with this."

Yeonjun looked at the wipes that Wooyoung was offering him and scoffed. "That won't work."

"It will! Look let me show you." Wooyoung sat up and leaned over his friend and began to rub his face gently with the wipes. After a while he giggled. "Ok maybe you were right." The two sat on the grass for a bit, until their other two friends came over and offered the idea to go somewhere.

This was an ordinary day for Yeonjun. He and Wooyoung were constantly in a playful mood, joking around and making the other laugh. School was a fun place where he got to see his friends every day, mess around with them and even the lessons weren't so bad when you had Huening Kai constantly throwing paper airplanes with jokes on them.

Yeonjun woke up one morning, yawning as he dragged himself out of bed. It was just like any other day; he was going to go meet his friends before school, maybe buy some breakfast or save the money for lunch. He quickly got ready and quietly slipped out of the front door to avoid waking up his sleeping parents.

He walked fast down a couple of streets, finally stopping in front of an old garage. Yeonjun walked in, greeting the owner.

"Is she ready?" He asked hopefully.

"It's all done," the owner replied, tossing Yeonjun a pair of keys. "If you get caught by the cops don't mention my name. And remember to bring her back."

"Don't worry, I won't say a word," Yeonjun said. He hopped into one of the cars, putting the keys in, marvelling in the glory of the smooth-sounding motor.

The car he was borrowing from the mechanic was so obviously second-hand, but it still made Yeonjun excited. He pulled out of the drive ready to go but was stopped by his mechanic friend.

"Here," he said passing him a fake driving license. "Drive safely." Yeonjun nodded, taking the card out of the mechanic's hand, and finally setting off. He drove through the familiar streets a couple of times, waiting for when it would be time to meet his friends. He glanced at his watch and when it was around 7:30 he decided to make the first stop to Wooyoung's house.

He texted Wooyoung to meet him down the road, and when the younger arrived, he was very surprised.

"Yeonjun where did you get this?" He asked, eyes widening at the ride.

"Get in and I'll explain."

Wooyoung looked at the car sceptically before getting into the passenger seat. He looked at Yeonjun ready to ask 100 or more questions. "Where did you get this? We're too young to drive! Yeonjun this is illegal."

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