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Yeonjun kept his head down as he stood in the principal's office, not really paying attention to anything. He couldn't care less about what the old man had to say. It's the same as what they always said. It was a surprise to Yeonjun that this school even took him in after all the ones he'd been kicked out from. But this one was no different, it was the same as all the others and he'd probably only spend a month or two here before finding a new one.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Mr. Choi are you listening?" The principal asked, bewildered by the fact that a pupil wasn't obeying him like usual.

Yeonjun looked up and made eye contact with the principal and grinned playfully. "Of course, sir."

"Well then... get your schedule from the reception and enjoy your first day!" He replied cheerfully.

"Sure will!" Yeonjun replied sarcastically, walking straight out of the office without looking back.

As he walked through the hallways, he looked at the painted walls and classrooms full of kids. Every so often a trophy case adorned the hallway. Yeonjun stopped in front of one and looked at the gleaming awards. He looked at his reflection in the glass and scoffed. Yeonjun knew he would never win something like this.

He continued walking, hoping to stumble upon the school office. Honestly, Yeonjun didn't really care if he found the office or not - missing class wasn't a big deal. It was almost time for the start of school so many students were either already in class or on their way to class. Not a single person paid attention to Yeonjun, and he was thankful that he didn't have to deal with them. The hallways quietened down as less, and less people crowded it. Suddenly he heard a voice shout.

"Hurry up Wooyoung - we're going to be late!" The stranger shouted, running past Yeonjun. The name seemed familiar, but he forgot it soon enough. He looked at the running boy and rolled his eyes, turning back to continue walking.

Out of nowhere another boy collided into him. Yeonjun looked down at the person who had just run into him, who was now on the floor, rubbing his knee. He looked up and when the two made eye contact, Yeonjun's eyes opened wide, and his heart skipped a beat.

The shock was evident on both of their faces. Time around them seemed to stop and neither could break away from the painful eye contact.

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