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"I'm just a dead man walking tonight"


Yeonjun sat at lunch one day, not really feeling hungry so he just hung out with the others until their next class. By 'others' this meant Huening Kai and Yeosang because Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen. Yeonjun asked about him, but his two friends had no idea.

Disappointed, he sighed as he stared at the table. He'd been feeling down lately because he missed hanging out with Wooyoung. Before he would get to see the other boy every day, but now when he did see him, Wooyoung never paid any attention to him. Yeonjun wanted to say something and almost did countless times, but always managed to hold himself back because whatever he said would definitely hurt Wooyoung's feelings.

The bell went for class, so the three friends stood up to make their way to class. Since they had different lessons on their schedules, they went different ways. As Yeonjun was walking, he saw Wooyoung and Jiwoo, he was about to approach them, but then decided not to disturb them. However, Jiwoo noticed him and called him over.

"What are you two still doing here, you'll be late to class," Yeonjun said.

"Since when did you worry about that?" Wooyoung laughed. "Usually, I have to drag you to class to be on time."

"Just saying," Yeonjun shrugged.

"Well, I gotta go babe, see you later?" Jiwoo said, giving him a tight hug and making Yeonjun want to puke as soon as he heard the nickname.

"What are you looking at?" Wooyoung asked with a laugh, flicking Yeonjun's forehead. "Come on, we'll be late for class."

"You go ahead," Yeonjun said.

"Where are you going? Don't tell me you're going to skip again," Wooyoung questioned, disapprovingly.

"Don't worry about me, have fun!" He said running down the corridor in the opposite direction.

Yeonjun went around to the back exit of the school, which was usually left open for the janitors to come and go. However, Yeonjun discovered it and used it to get to the back gates. He climbed over the gate and walked to a nearby cafe, planning to hang out there for the rest of the day.

As he entered, Yeonjun was surprised to see Jiwoo there with a couple of friends. She waved at him, but he just gave a strained smile and moved on. He ordered a drink and sat down at an empty table, taking out his phone to play games. When he felt someone near him, Yeonjun looked up expecting to see the waitress putting his drink down, but instead he was met with Jiwoo's warm smile.

"Why are you sitting alone?" She asked. "There's a spare seat at my table."

"I don't mind being alone, I prefer it when nobody is talking to me," he said with a shrug, accepting the drink from the waitress who had just arrived,

"Sounds lonely to me," she muttered. Yeonjun almost snorted when he heard that.

He cleared his throat and spoke. "What are you doing here anyways? Does Wooyoung know that you're skipping class?"

"I haven't told him, but it doesn't matter anyways, right? I mean you do it almost all the time." Her tone of voice was frustrating to Yeonjun, but he didn't mind talking to her. He figured that it was a better way to spend his time than just being on his phone.

"He wouldn't stop you, but I think he'd like to know," Yeonjun answers taking a sip of his drink.

"Do you usually come here when you're skipping? I don't normally see you."

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