05. O P T I M I S T I C

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"when the colours of the world were tempting my heart, i closed my eyes and in the darkness i found you"

It was another day after school, San, Wooyoung, Beomgyu and Yeonjun walked out of the school together to Sam's house as they needed to work on their project. The four of them walked at a quick pace so that they could get there faster and begin. Yeonjun stayed close to Beomgyu who respected the fact that he wasn't looking to make friends.

They arrived and sat in his room, each boy having a textbook in front of them, open to a different chapter. They all decided to work on separate sections, whilst helping each other, so that they could just combine them for the presentation at the end.

Yeonjun put in headphones so that he could block everything out as he worked, but in all honesty, he had no idea what he was even doing. Academics was not Yeonjun's strong point and being in a group with super smart people made him feel inferior. He didn't want to be the reason they failed though, so even without understanding he tried his best to do what he was given to do.

"Yeonjun, Yeonjun!" San called, tapping the boy awake.

He stirred, looking around sleepily as he rubbed his eyes. Yeonjun pulled off his headphones and looked at San. "Sorry I fell asleep; I'll finish my bit now."

"It's fine, let's head home for today," San said with a warm smile. "I was watching you work, and I could tell you had no idea what you were doing right?"

"You're right," Yeonjun sighed, not bothering to lie. "Studying was never my strong point. I don't know what I'm doing. Even the most basic things have me confused, but I'm trying my best. I just don't want to let anyone down."

"It's ok to find things hard, just ask for help and learn along the way. You don't always have to do your part alone. That's why it's a team project... we work on it together," San said with a smile that reached his eyes. Yeonjun couldn't help but smile himself when he saw it.

"Thanks San," he said.

"Anytime," San replied, standing up and giving his hand, which Yeonjun took. After packing up his things, the two headed downstairs to see Beomgyu and Wooyoung waiting for him.

"So, the project is almost done, we just need to bring everything together and prepare the presentation," Beomgyu said.

"When should we meet up next?" Wooyoung asked.

"How about Thursday?" San suggested.

"I can't be there, have to go to my little cousin's birthday," Beomgyu said with a roll of his eyes, showing how much he hated the thought of having to go. "What about Saturday?"

San shook his head to say it wouldn't work for him. Wooyoung looked at them and suggested Sunday, but both Beomgyu and San said they had plans again.

"Well, you and Yeonjun could get it done on your own right?" Beomgyu proposed. "And if you two get it done on Sunday, we can all work on the presentation later in the week."

"I like that idea," San agreed. "Can you guys do that?"

Yeonjun nervously looked at Wooyoung, who mirrored his reaction. They had no choice; the project was due by the end of the week, and it had to be done. Yeonjun wondered whether working alone in the same room would even be safe. He wouldn't be surprised if they killed each other in the first fifteen minutes.

"We'll do it," Wooyoung said, taking Yeonjun by surprise.

"W-we will?" he mumbled to himself, but no-one heard.

Wooyoung, Beomgyu and Yeonjun left San's house and began walking down the road together.

"See you on Sunday," Wooyoung said, taking a left after they got to the end of the street.

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