turn me to the dark side

Start from the beginning

"So why are we all not sleeping with the fishes?" Harry asked.

"Earth 2 has the godfather?" Cisco asked.

"Every earth has the godfather, Vito," Harry answered.

"So I ran back through time one day into the past, and I got a do-over.
And I stopped Mardon before he could hurt anyone." Barry finished.

"You shouldn't have messed with the timeline," Harry said.

"That's what the other, Wells said."  Barry sighed

"So the good news is, in that timeline, you created the wand, and it worked.
So you just have to do it again... for the first time."

"Yeah, no pressure."

"I can give you a hand," Garrick offered.

"Best of both worlds?" Cisco asked, ouch.

"I like that." Garrick smiled, and they left.

"You good, Harry?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Something is wrong.

"Holiday blues?" Caitlin asked. "It can't be easy knowing Zoom still has his daughter,"

"Yeah, alright, look, I'll be right back.
I have something I have to deal with." Barry left.

"You know, you never told us why you never liked Christmas," Caitlin stated.

"I just don't." I lied and took another sip.

We all looked at the TV that showed James Jesse as he talked.

"We don't have a trickster on earth 2," Garrick said as Barry walked into the cortex.

"He's one of a kind." Caitlin sighed.

"Are there any clues to where he is based on the video?" Barry asked.

"None that I can see," Cisco said.

"There is a reflection in his eye," I said and zoomed into his eye.

"What is that?" Barry asked.

"That's, Mr jiggle, wiggle," Harry said.

"Come again?" Cisco asked.

"It's a doll.
Stuffed children's toys. I gave one to my daughter when she was 6." Harry said.

"Mr. Jiggle wiggle was manufactured by Okamura toys... Yahtzee!" Cisco yelled, "Okamura once had a shipping facility in Central City that shut down four years ago; it's been abandoned ever since.
What if the weather wizard is there?
The wand is not finished."

But the trickster is."

Barry called his girlfriend.
Wow, the sixth time in one day.
"Barry," Garrick said.


"How does it look?" Garrick asked.

"Scarry familiar,"

"How's Patty?" Caitlin asked.

"She...is...um... hiding a lot of pain behind her smile."

"You see couples start to resemble each other after a little while." Caitlin smiled softly

"The thing is that she opened up to the flash, not me, and even if I got her on the phone, I don't know what to say."

"Well, It's been my experience that just being around you could be a big help," Caitlin said.

"Thank you."

"What's that?
Is that Mardon?" Barry asked as he pointed at the TV.

"That's him; atmospheric pressure just dropped 200 Hectopascals." Cisco confirmed.


"Central City Square," Cisco said

"The tree lighting ceremony," I added

"There are thousands of people there." Barry took the wand and ran out.

"Guys.... he's flying," Barry informed us.

"He flies?
Since when can he fly?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, he's using his powers to alter the air pressure around in the create pockets of updrafts that can..." Cisco tried to explain.

"No, he can fly." Harry sighed.

"Barry, get him!" Garrick yelled," Go, I hate him.

"They're gonna kill Barry," Caitlin said.

"Unless we find those bombs, Cisco, Anastasia?" Garrick asked.

"Jay, there is no way," Cisco said.

"There is a way." Harry and I said together.

"To find 100 randomly placed bombs?" Cisco asked.

"We don't have to find a 100," I said.

"We just have to find one, and then we get rid of them all," Harry added.

"How?" Caitlin asked.

"A breach." Garrick understood.

"That's right, we sent Grood away. We can do the same to these bombs, all of them.
Do you have a drone in the workshop?"


"Does it fly?"


"Good, I'm taking it.
You're not getting it back." Harry walked to the exit.

"I'll warm up the van," Cisco said.

"And I'll stay here." I sighed.

"So you help him," I said as Harry walked into the cortex.

"How did you..."

"I'm spacial," I smiled sadly, "he have your daughter, doesn't he?" I asked.

"He... he said he would kill her... she is the last piece of family I have..." Tears streamed down his face.

"I understand... I... I used to have a daughter... before I was sterilized... I did everything for her. I'll help you." I said

the flash and the black widow: WEAPON Where stories live. Discover now