Jee Yeon Is Turning One

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Yejin immediately felt weak when she found out that her Appa was in the hospital. For some reason, Appa suddenly fainted while in his office. Yejin is not focused on work and wants to go straight to Yongsan. Even though only 5 patients were treated by Yejin today. But Yejin also can't be selfish because it's impossible to just leave Jee Yeon right now. Yejin immediately grabbed her phone to tell Hyun Bin.

"Calm down dear, don't be panic. I'll pick you up now" Hyun Bin said at the end of the telephone line. Yejin asked the nurse to cancel the schedule for the next patient examination and asked doctor Hwang to replace them if there was an urgent need for action.

20 minutes passed, Hyun Bin arrived at the hospital and immediately met Yejin. Yejin looks confused. Even though she's a doctor but, she can't rest easy if it's her family who are sick let alone her parents. "Appa is still unconscious, and it's been almost 3 hours Bin" Yejin hugged Hyun Bin's body. As a doctor, Yejin knows and seems to predict what disease Appa is currently experiencing. "Bin, we have to go to Yongsan now. I want to make sure Appa's condition is there." Yejin looked at Hyun Bin as if pleading. Hyun Bin gave a nod and slightly kissed his wife's forehead to calm her down.

After picking up Eun Ha, Yejin and Hyun Bin and Eun Ha prepared to head to Yonsgan. There was nothing Yejin brought, which was clearly only Jee Yeon's equipment, and some clothes for Eun Ha and Hyun Bin. Yejin just in case she will be there a little longer.

Hyun Bin started to drive his car towards Yongsan. Yejin continues to monitor her father's condition by telephone to her mother. "Jee Yeon-a, why are you crying? It's really bad" said Eun Ha looking at her little baby. Of course, Jee Yeon is also nervous because Yejin is really worried right now. Yejin calmed Jee Yeon and immediately gave him breast milk. Hyun Bin gulped as his eyes glanced at Jee Yeon.

"Appa!" Yejin glared at Hyun Bin while blinking his eyes as if she knew what Hyun Bin was thinking. "How can you think perverted when you're in a panic like this!" Yejin thought a little annoyed. Obviously Hyun Bin gulped. Because since Jee Yeon was born, Hyun Bin fasted and Yejin was not allowed to share with Jee Yeon at all.

After arriving at Yongsan, Hyun Bin and Yejin went straight to the hospital where Appa was being treated. Yejin hugged her mother's body for a while then took turns hugging her father. "Appa" Yejin cried. It was the first time in her life that her father had fainted and had to be rushed to the hospital. Yejin wiped her tears then she wanted to immediately meet the doctor who treated her father.

Jee Yeon is asleep in Hyun Bin's arms and Eun Ha is now hugging her grandmother. "Eomma, is there something is hiding from me? Have you ever had a head injury before?" Yejin asked to discourage her from seeing a doctor. Yejin is a doctor. Of course she knows after seeing her father's current condition. Yejin looked at her mother.

There's no mistaking it, it looks like Yejin's guess is right, Appa must have fainted because she had an injury to her head. "Um... actually, App fell a few years ago and actually hit his head pso hard." Mrs. Son replied, shaking slightly. Indeed her mother didn't tell Yejin this because she didn't want to make Yejin worry. "Eomma..why didn't you tell me at all? It would be very dangerous if it was handled too late" Yejin cried again.

What does it mean that she becomes a doctor if she doesn't even know about her father's illness? In fact, many Yejin patients also experience this. "I'm sorry, at that time Appa bumped into him while reviewing his new project. And—and at that time you were doing your doctor's exam, so Eomma refused to tell you. Eomma didn't want your exam to fail because you knew about your Appa's condition." Mrs. Son explain.  Yejin sobbed even more when she found out that it had been a long time. Yejin suddenly remembered the reason her parents couldn't accompany Yejin at that time was because Appa wasn't feeling well due to work exhaustion.

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