Little Baby Boy

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Today Hyun Bin will leave for Busan to complete his assignment, he will be in Busan for approximately 3 weeks. Actually Hyun Bin was hard to leave Yejin when her pregnancy was approaching labor. Next month, Yejin's gestational age will be 34 weeks, they also have to prepare all the baby's needs and equipment, as well as plans to move to a new house. Hyun Bin asked his parents especially his mother to accompany Yejin as often as possible when Hyun Bin was in Busan. "Eomma, I'll leave Yejin... I'll be home once a week. If there's anything, let me know immediately" Hyun Bin said goodbye to his mother. "Of course Bin, Eomma will take care of Yejin. You don't have to worry. The delivery is still 2 months away". Hyun Bin nodded and immediately drove his car to the airport to leave for Busan.

While Hyun Bin left, Eun Ha slept in Yejin's room. He promised Hyun Bin to take care of Yejin and his little brother. "Eomma, isn't it hard to carry a baby in the belly like that?" She said while rubbing Yejin's stomach. "No honey, not at all". Eun Ha looked at Yejin "Was Eun Ha like this in my Eomma's stomach before?" Eun Ha seems to have a lot of questions on her mind. "Of course honey, all babies will be like this in their mother's stomach". Eun Ha is still looking at Yejin "I miss Eomma so much, I must be very troublesome". Yejin rubbed Eun Ha's head "No honey, no child will bother their parents. Eomma Eun Ha must be very happy to have a child as smart and sweet as Eun Ha. So, don't be sad, okay?" For some reason Eun Ha suddenly softened and hugged Yejin.

"Eun Ha hasn't had the chance to thank them yet" tears rolled down her cheeks. Looks like Eun Ha misses her parents. "Then, after praying later, thank Eun Ha's parents, okay?" Yejin calms down. Eun Ha nodded while wiping her tears. She was still hugging Yejin and suddenly the baby moved "Omo! He's moving – Eomma!" a smile appears on Eun Ha's lips "Eomma what is he doing, why is it so funny!" now she smiled very wide still looking at Yejin's stomach. "Emm..seems like he's protesting because he doesn't want to see Eun Ha's sister cry!" Yejin rubbed her stomach because the baby was still moving. "Okay, I won't cry anymore baby" Eun Ha kissed Yejin's belly. "Omo! He's not moving anymore Eomma. Daebak! He's so smart" Eun Ha said surprised.

In the morning After dropping Eun Ha off to school, Yejin immediately went to the hospital because she got a phone call to perform emergency surgery. As long as Hyun Bin isn't around, Yejin has to drive herself and pick up Eun Ha. Actually for Yejin it doesn't matter, because her pregnancy condition is very good. But sometimes, Hyun Bin is fussy and doesn't allow Yejin to drive alone while pregnant. "How is the patient's condition?" Yejin got ready and headed for the operating room. "The patient fainted, was in a semi-coma and his breathing was unstable and there was bleeding in the brain," Doctor Seon explained the patient's condition. Yejin immediately took action while continuing to monitor the patient's condition. It was quite difficult to stop the patient's bleeding, so Yejin and her team had to really try. After almost 2 hours Yejin finally managed to stop the bleeding and save the patient's life. Yejin immediately came out and met the patient's family to explain his condition.

Yejin leaned her body on the sofa in her room. Her legs felt sore and a little cramped. "Eomma's baby, thank you dear, you can always cooperate" Yejin spoke to her baby while rubbing her belly. Next month Yejin has started her leave because she has to prepare for childbirth and plans to move in a new house. Before continuing her practice hours, Yejin wanted to contact Hyun Bin and immediately make a video call. Yejin wants to know if Hyun Bin has arrived in Busan or not.

"Bin, have you arrived?"

"I just got to hotel Jagiya, are you okay? Why do you look tired?"

Yejin nodded "I just finished the emergency surgery Bin, it's a good thing your son can always be cooperated"

"Appa's baby is really smart, Jagiya.. why do I miss you guys? Even though I just arrived in Busan" Hyun Bin was a little lethargic. Seeing Yejin rub her stomach makes Hyun Bin want to hug and kiss his future baby.

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