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It's been 3 months since Jee Yeon has graced the lives of Yejin and Hyun Bin. he grew very healthy and increasingly active. He is even more adorable with his stocky body and eyes that are similar to Yejin's. He can already recognize the voices of his parents and Eun Ha. Soon Yejin will return to work because her leave period is over, but she and Hyun Bin haven't thought about what Jee Yeon would do if they stayed at work. Yejin doesn't want Jee Yeon to be raised by just anyone.

Yejin started to get restless thinking about it. "Bin, what about Jee Yeon if I'm already actively working? I don't want him to be taken care of by just anyone". Yejin asked Hyun Bin's opinion.

"Oh yeah we haven't thought about that, how about I ask Eomma to find Ahjumma? I think Eomma knows the best Ahjumma to take care of babies".

Hearing Hyun Bin's answer, Yejin thought for a moment and agreed.

Hyun Bin immediately contacted his mother and his mother replied that she would visit his house this afternoon. Incidentally, Mrs. Kim also misses Jee Yeon.

After they met and with various considerations, Yejin left it all up to her mother-in-law to choose the best Ahjumma to take care of Jee Yeon while Yejin worked. Hyun Bin's parents are respected people, so they must have confidants for their family.

Today Yejin is already preparing to go to the hospital, on her first day of work, she doesn't want to be late. Because her job has been waiting for her. After making sure that all of Jee Yeon's milk was sufficient and she had prepared all her necessities, Yejin left Jee Yeon with a bit of weight. Because during these 3 months, she never left Jee Yeon at all.

Yejin and Hyun Bin also told the Ahjumma chosen by Hyun Bin's mother about the things she should and shouldn't do. The Ahjumma had also been trained by Yejin and Hyun Bin for the previous 3 days so that Yejin and Hyun Bin would know how the Ahjumma worked. Yejin and Hyun Bin are very detailed when it comes to dealing with Jee Yeon, they doesn't want anything unwanted. Hyun Bin has also checked the Ahjumma's CV and family background and has investigated that everything is safe and fine.

As a Police Member, Hyun Bin must make sure his family will be safe. "Ahjumma, I'll go first.. I'll leave Jee Yeon" Yejin said goodbye to the middle-aged woman. Yejin kissed Jee Yeon then left the house.

Yejin is busy with her patients, on her first day of work Yejin will not have surgery yet, she will rearrange her schedule and starting today she will not take extra operating hours at night, considering Jee Yeon is still very small and needs her attention.

Between work, Yejin always makes video calls with Ahjumma to make sure Jee Yeon is okay and not fussy. Luckily, since he was in the womb, Jee Yeon can always be invited to cooperate.

Just a few hours in the hospital, Yejin already misses Jee Yeon so much, it feels like she wants to go home and carry him. Suddenly her cell phone rings and it's a call from Hyun Bin. Hyun Bin informs her that he can't pick up Eun Ha because of an urgent meeting. Yejin finally relented and she would pick up Eun Ha this afternoon.

After ending the phone call from Hyun Bin, Yejin continued examining her patients. "Nurse, just limit it for today to 1 o'clock because I have to pick up Eun Ha at school." The nurse nodded and gave an announcement to all the patients. "Oh yeah-if anyone has registered for today, please reschedule tomorrow morning and don't forget to put them in the initial queue number" Yejin continued.

On the first day of work, Yejin's patients overflowed, because during Yejin's leave they only often consulted by telephone or were temporarily replaced by other doctors. Yejin is one of the best surgeons at the hospital where she works, so many of her patients choose to be treated by Yejin.

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