
"Yes pilots, all of you nothing but reckless."

He raised an eyebrow even higher, "I've been flying a ship for over a decade now."

She pursed her lips thoughtfully and gave him a critical once over, "And still I wouldn't trust you with an RC car without engineering assistance." She walked up the ramp past him and Glados followed lowering her head to Adam as she passed, "Father."

He nodded up to her patting one hand against the sharp bristles on the side of her shoulder, "Glad you could come Glados be nice to have some family aboard the ship."

She rumbled softly in her chest before vanishing up the ramp.

She was followed shortly by Etium leading what appeared to be a convoy of cargo trucks. He sat on the hood of the first with his trusty chain gun yelling orders back at the drivers as they made their way up the ramp slowing to a halt when he saw Adam, "Admiral, good morning."

Adam nodded, "Etium." He glanced down at the line of vehicles, "And what do we have here."

"I took a look at your allotment for ammunition and found it to be woefully inadequate." He announced

Adam crossed his arms over his chest, "Is that so." He nodded to Etium's chain gun, "Odd thing to say considering that chain gun is primarily an energy weapon."

Etium patted the side of his weapon, "That is true, but notably energy weapons are easily targeted by EMPs and that means that it would be stupid of us not to have adequate mechanical backups." He motioned back at the line of trucks, "Guns and ammunition, but don't worry we have plenty of space, I made sure to check the manifests."

Adam just shook his head in amusement and nodded the Tesraki forward onto the ship. The little creature kept yelling orders as they drove on. Others followed closely after, faces both familiar and unfamiliar filtering past one by one.

At one point Adam was surprised to see Dr. Adric making his way up the ramp. He was wearing alight grey suit, no tie, a light set of brown luggage rolling behind him, "Dr. Adric, I wasn't aware you were coming."

The man pulled to a stop to adjust the cuffs of his suit jacket, "I follow the trauma." He gave Adam a critical once over, "And you my friend attract it like dung attracts flies."

"Thanks for that." Adam muttered

The man smiled in amusement as he took Adam's hand shaking once before continuing his way up the ramp.

"You know." Adam called after him, "If I didn't know better, I would say your behavior is indicative of someone who is a self-destructive adrenaline seeker."

Adric laughed, "Can't argue with your diagnosis Admiral." And then he was gone to vanish into the bowels of the ship.

Riss he knew for sure would not be joining them. At least one of them had to make sure to stay behind to keep the triplets from sneaking onto the ship, which Krill was sure would happen if they didn't keep their guard up.

Speaking of krill, the little alien was the next to bustle up the ramp followed closely by doctor Katie ad a sizable contingent of the Arcadian medical staff. With them they brought their own line of trucks absolutely loaded with equipment. Adam raised an eyebrow, "Everything but the kitchen sink I see."

Dr Katie huffed, "Everything AND the kitchen sink since I am pretty sure a sink comes with the sterilization equipment." Krill lifted his head antenna buzzing softly, "I do not plan to come unprepared." He motioned back to his line of medical staff, "I have brought with me a surgeon of every specialty most notably our gastroenterologist who will be primarily responsible for removing things from peoples butts."

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now