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While practicing with your team, a knocked was heard that made your teammates looked where does the noise came from. You then saw Tsukishima. He gestured you to follow him.

He then take you to the back of the gym so no one could interrupt your conversation. He looked at you with a confused look. You knew he wanted to asks so many questions but he don't know where to start so you spoke first instead.

"What is it, Kei?" He sigh before he answered.

"What did i just heard..."

"Heard what?" You tilted your head like a confuse child. Tsukishima stared at you intently.

"That you brought not just one man at home but a lot along with three girls?" Tsukishima said.

"Did Gon tells you about it?. Look, Kei. They're just at home because-"

"You kidnapped them?" He asks suspiciously.

'What did he just say?!.'

You raised your brows by he's sudden statement but you just sigh because he doesn't no a thing about them. He would probably think your crazy or something.

"Why would i kidnapped them?. I mean i would, but still no! Of course not!. Where did you get those idea?!"

"Heh~ you didn't kidnapped them?." He looked at you playfully.

"I just said, i did not!" You denied.

"Really?. I would be sure. Maybe because of your boredom at home and having not in a relationship. You might gone crazy and kidnapped not just one but more than 20 plus people just to fill you romantic bone." He said mocking you and emphasizing the word NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP.

"Shut it, Kei. I wouldn't do anything like that. And besides, they are just a friend that having a vacation on my house." You said saying that they are your friends.

'I couldn't say that they are my husbands and waifus that recklessly now, can i?'

"Vacation... At home?. It's March, they couldn't be graduated that fast." He said. He did again became suspicious of you.

'Gosh! Having a smart cousin was always the problem!'

"It's called early vacation, Kei. Besides they do online classes. Not like us who always at school"

"Hm. Okay then" he said. You knew to yourself that he's still suspicious so you need to be careful for every act that you should take. One wrong move and Tsukishima will notice that there's something wrong.

"Is that all you wanted to say?"

"No, anyways. Mom wanted to see you again. Come by this saturday. Bring those three with you."

'This brat.'

You just shake your head and start walking towards the gym where your team was. You apologize for whatever inconvenience you cause. You just realize that they were waiting for you this whole time. After apologizing you started to play volleyball with your team again.


"Urgh. Where's Y/n-chin?!. I missed her!" Mikey groaned and lay on the couch lazily.

"It hasn't been a day when she's away, Mikey. Y/n will be gone for 2 more days." Draken said as he hand a ice cream to him.

"Thas mush mor wors!" (That's much more worse!) He said while eating the ice cream.

"Mikey! Stop talking while eating!" Emma said.

"Sorry, Emma." Mikey said while gulping the last remaining ice cream.

"Pig" Izana commented. Mikey jolted on his seat and start attacking Izana in a playful way.

"Hey! I'm not a pig!. I just eat a lot, that's it!" He complain.

While Izana and Mikey playfully fighting, Shinichiro came from the living room. He saw his two younger brother fighting. For his view it was an intense fight so he tried to meddle in there fight to stop them but ended up being kicked in both face and his back head.

"Shinichiro!/Nii-san!" Both Mikey and Izana rushed to where their brother was laying.

"Owemgee! Is Nii-san going to die again?!" Emma yelled and started to panic.

"Emma no..." Draken said while calming Emma down.

Hina who were near them this whole time bring a first aid kit. Shinichiro only passed (away) out so they just tended his bruised.


On the afternoon, you being busy on your volleyball practice. The boys and girls start going to their work. Mitsuya was been on the shop this whole time along with Hakkai.

You teach Mitsuya and Hakkai how social media works. All Mitsuya's tailored shirt, jeans, whatever that is, will Hakkai modeled and post it online. Kakucho also doing a modelling Mitsuya's work. This attract lot's of people.

You found out that only, You and Shuna knew about their existence. You searched lot's of site to get every information that may say that they are fictional and you did. But when you search it again in other mobile phone, computer, laptop and any devices, you couldn't find anything. As if the information you had on your phone never actually existed.

You also found out that tokyo revengers are still updating. Wakui still posting about his works about tokyo revengers but that's it. He only updated it and that's it.

You've been finding clues on how to turn them back to where did they came from or in their own world but you found none. It was as if they really exist in this world as a real human being and not some fictional men.

Takemichi was trying so hard helping the girls on the cafe. He became a waiter. Takemichi became popular among the ladies. You saw how handsome Takemichi was in real life. How attractive he was, maybe that's why how he get Yuzuha and Senju to like him.

Taiju, was actually good at handling people up. So you signed him up on your owned club along with Benkei, Wakasa, Takeomi, Haitani brothers and Shion. The three older black dragon members was there looking out for the Haitani's, Shion and Taiju incase they cause a riot.

Shinichiro also start working in the motor shop along with Inupi, Draken, Mikey, and Izana. They are actually having fun tho.

Sanzu was of course don't know where he could go or belong to, so instead of leaving him in the house and do nothing you gave him a work on one of your resorts. He go there with Hanma and Kisaki. No matter how much he wanted to kill Kisaki for whatever he has done to his King, he surpassed it so he wouldn't disappoint you. He doesn't know why, but he wanted to have a clean record if it was you who are involve. He doesn't want you to looked at him with disappointed eyes. He hates it.

Koko being the money maker he is, handling everything that his fellow gangsters working money goes. He was the one who gave them a salary, budget everything that will be needed on the certain work that he's handling in. And everything related to it.

They keep themselves busy while missing your presence and they actually thinking of the same thing....

'It hasn't been a day, but for not sensing your comforting presence here, was suffocating. Please came back as soon as possible. We can't survive it wasn't you here with us.'


It felt you ear was itchy so you scratch it but you missed to receive the ball so you got scolded by your captain.... Again...

To be continued

Let's Travel || Tokyo RevengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora