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They all sat on the chair. You glance at them and smile. This startled the four males especially the one who has a scar on her lips. You tilt your head with a question look.

"Do you guys need something?" You asked. Which is the gulp heavily.

"A-ahm. Y/n-san..." Takemichi spoke.

"Hmm? Y/n is fine" You said then smile.

They elbowed each other telling them to speak. But then of course Mitsuya spoke first since his the one who want to talk to you at the first place.

"Ahm. If i apply for the designer what will happen?" He ask nervously but didn't make it shown to others but for you it is clearly obvious.

"Just like i said. I will give you a suitable wages for each of your work. It isn't monthly tho. The pay will be given base on how many designs you give. Also if you help on tailoring the newly design then the pay for that is also different since you will personally tailored it. Also we will make a contract if you're unsatisfied by it we can change it with other deals you may also add a few things you want in the contract we will fulfill whatever that is." You explained.

There it is! The silence!. You deadpanned and lean closer to the table. You put your two hands together as if you were praying and stare them with a serious look. They gulp once again before Mitsuya spoke.

"I have request before i sign a contract." He said.

You lean back to your chair and stare him for moment.

"And what is it?" You asked.

"If i design something i will be also the one who will tailored it." He said. Which is clearly gave him a nodded as a response and gesture him to continue. He signs before spoking again "If I'm going to tailored it and the materials isn't match then-- you cut him off and said.

"If the materials isn't match, lacking, out of stock we will find a way. And please do not worry about the materials we will make sure we're complete, and had a lot of stock." He nod before he continued.

"Then if I'm going to tailored it i need a work place right? I cannot do any work on our room since sometimes sewing machines are noisy." He said.

You smiled on what he said.

"Sure i can give you a work place since it's already had been prepared since the beginning of loooking for a designers. So you don't need to worry about it." You reassures him.

"Then about the contract..."

"I'm going to lend it to you later. I'm going to prepared it as soon as possible. If you need anything else to added in the contract then please tell me." You said with enthusiasm which make them confuse because you really don't show so much attention in front of them.

"Ahm... You can deduce my wages as a payment for taking us in, in your house even if we're just strangers to you" he said as he scratch his back.

"It's fine. You guys appeared in my house so you are my responsibilities. Don't mind it. If you work for me then I'll pay you handsomely." You said that makes the four males shock.

I mean who doesn't?! You let them stay in your house, dress them and feed them without any payment in return?! Now that they have a way to pay you you still refuse. 

"A-are you sure? Even tho i know that my wage is low I'm still going to work hard just to pay you" Mitsuya said with a bit hesitance on his voice.

"Yes, so please do tell if you need anything!"

"If that's the case then... I will tell you if i needed something" he responded.

"Sure! Then are you free later at 2pm?" You asked.

It comes out very differently towards the four of them as if you're asking Mitsuya on a date. I mean why not?.

"Ahm yes, why?"

"I'm going to show you at your work place then!"

"Sure. Then I'm looking forward to it." He said.

You nodded and wave them a goodbye. You start making the contract with enthusiasm. You were smiling the whole time while working not until Killua burst in.

"What do you need, Kil?" You asked.

"I'm going for a walk with Gon. Do you need something?" Killua said. You smiled at your brother and said.

"I think i want f/f and f/d. Also add some pizza too buy a lot since we have lots of people in the house." You said which is he nodded as a response.

"A lot huh?. You're making an excuse you just want to eat a lot of pizza because you're in diet for the past month." He said as he close the door.

"Hey! That's not nice, Kil! But well... I really like eating a lot tho... But i also want to share some for others.... Am i a gluttony? Nah... Pretty sure I'm not..... Right?" You said to yourself but immediately washed it off.

After you work on some papers. You take a bath and wear something comfortable. Just black pants, and black t-shirt and black shoes.

After that you make your way to find Mitsuya. Wehn you already found him. He was talking to Draken. Probably they already knew about Mitsuya's plan.

You slowly approach them and hand the contract to him. Which is Draken face you with a furrowed. Mitsuya open the contract and read it for a while just making sure that everything was on it before he signs.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Mitsuya?" Mikey ask. Mitsuya look at him with a bright smile and said.

"Yes, positive" Mitsuya respond with a nod. Mikey gave him a nod as a response to his decision but Draken was still a bit hesitant but still he trust Mitsuya.

"Shall we go, Mitsuya?"

YOU LEAD Mitsuya on the parking lot. Mitsuya saw tons of Motorcycle, and cars.

"Holy shit." He muttered. "You owned this?!" He asked.

"Well... Yeah, i bought them as a collection." You answered shyly. "I knew you can drove a motorcycle. I will let you use one of them" You said.

He gave you a weird look like uttered some bullshit!. But he saw you with a serious face so he take your words seriously but in the inside...

'Shit! Did i get caught?! I'm simping since the very beginning! Ahhh! How can Mitsuya be so handsome! And his reaction earlier is so cute! What the fuck?!'

YOU BOTH drove a different motor. You in the front while he's following you from behind. You both reach the building after 8 minutes drive. It's a plain white with a huge glass window.

You unlocked the door and let Mitsuya in which he does. He stared the whole shop for a minute before he looks at you.

"This is a shop not a work place." He said.

You giggled on what he just said and told him to follow you. You tour him to his workplace. It was in the second floor.

"Mitsuya, this is where you are going to work. On the left side is the a mini kitchen. The fitting room was on the first floor by the way." You said.

"Yes, but still it's a shop." He said.

"Yes it is. This is where you're going to sale your works. Dresses, suits whatever you make. This is yours now" You said and smile at him.

He knew that you are already a gorgeous person but now that you smiled at him... He feels... Something very differently... Not hate or anything... What was it called again? Adoration?... Admiration?... Amazed?... Crush?... Wait! Crush?! I have a crush on her?! We only meet her yesterday!. What the hell!.

You tilt your head because you saw him blush and looked away... 'What's wrong with him?. Is he sick?'.

To be continued!



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