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It's year 2022 and here you are kicking stone on your way home. Feeling bored because you know when you came home no one will welcome you. Because apparently your mother is dead and your dad is always busy at work.

Clearly you're alone.

You always spend time on your big house alone because so much noises irritated you. But being alone feels however lonely.

You're the type of a person that didn't want a lot of noise, but want to sense a presence at home. You had a best friend but she is also busy and you respect her privacy too, so you don't want to burden her. But you always love pestering your salty cousin no matter how far you both live with each other. It's either you pissed him to come to your house or you go to their house to pissed him

Before you go home. You brought lot of stuff including foods supply, desserts from a cafe near by, necessities and pay your own bill.

You spent most of your time doing your hobbies, profession, that includes playing instruments, painting, sports, watching anime, reading manga and manhwas, (and whatever your hobbies are).

You're rich on your own. Owning cafes, restaurants, motorbikes, cars, resorts, an islands, a bar (i wanna say clubs because some of you might still be minors so...)

You clearly had a butler and a secretary. Your butler Claude helps you with house works and anything you needed at home. Sebastian however your secretary that helps you manage you own businesses since your still studying.

Convenient and one of a hell butler and secretary.

Raising as a rich young lady you clearly know what to do and what to not do, while doing business especially ethics and morality of a business owner. Since your dad raised you like that.

You have a somewhat twisted personality when it comes to people who you didn't like, but all in all you were kind.


"I'm home" You said while entering the house.

Even though you knew that no one will greet you since it's already in the afternoon. You ordered that no one shall enter the house when it's past 12 in the afternoon so your butler and your secretary probably is in the other house.

While cooking there's a loud thud echoed upstairs. You, who knows that you supposed to be alone this time around quickly run towards where the sounds came from.

'Assassin? A thief? What is it?'

You cautiously run from where the noise is from carefully not make too much sound just in case if it were an assassin that was sent for you.

When you reach a room which is empty for some reason. You quietly twist the knob of the door and peek inside. And there you see a bunch of men laying unconsciously.

You widened the door open and saw the total of 22 men. You clearly checking the sounds of their heartbeat and the sound of their breathes just to make sure that they're indeed unconscious.

"How the hell they get in here? Those security bastards didn't even do their jobs properly."

As you confirmed that they are indeed unconscious, you slowly approach the man who's near at the doorway. Once you clearly saw the man's face your eyes quickly widened.

"Takemichi?!" You yells.

You were overwhelmed by the current situation because they are fictional and they are at you house. You knew yourself well because you simp for each one of the member of tokyo revengers.

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