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YOU WERE COOKING for lunch today since you woke up around 8am in the morning from your unconscious state. You insisted of cooking since the siblings just reunited with their oldest.

They are currently on the couch in the living room as they explaining things what was happening and what happened before they got here. A fight even broke out because of Shion you take care of it tho.

~Flashback brought to you by Shion the one hit one kill~

You were stunned by the current situation. Black dragons was here! In your roof! You were not afraid or anything actually you were just... Shock that this big... People was here.

Turning your glance to the black dragon you could only see the four first generation black dragons you couldn't see the two others.

When suddenly a loud crash was heard inside the room. Everybody turned there gazes at where the crash came from. Then you saw Shion Madarame picking a fight with the toman. Tenjiku didn't do anything so does anyone else. It's a fight between Shion Madarame and Kawata Nahoya.

Because of this, the other gang who were outside earlier crashed inside the room and see what's going on. Of course some of them were having fun since a fight might broke out. But at the same time afraid since you are with them knowing your personality and strength.

Luck must be on your side, because you're worried that Taiju must be causing trouble but he isn't. Since you met them before the big fight between Tenjiku and toman then Taiju is currently on changing himself. Just when he left home.

"What is this? Why is the Tokyo manjishit here?" Shion said while poking Smiley's forehead.

You could see the vein popping off on his forehead showing that he is indeed pissed off. He knows that you dislike violence. You even make them clean the house and the gym for the entire week as a punishment. They didn't say anything since they really felt responsible for it. The girls wasn't included since they aren't involve to the fight.

You walk towards where Shion and Smiley standing. Everybody set their gaze at you. The others were worried for Shion and cheering on you silently since they already saw you fight once and experience it firsthand. Some might be thinking that you were crazy, like the member of the black dragons.

"I opposed violence in this house, so please stop starting a fight." You said nicely while smiling.

Shion gave you an annoyed look. He was ready to punch you any minute now. Shion take a peek on the tenjiku members. Hanma gave him a grin while the Haitani's gave him the you're-done-for-look.

"Who are you to tell me that?!" Shion grab your collar. "I will kill you!" He added.

The black dragon members were worried for you since you are a girl and they think you are stupid for meddling into the fight between the two gangster. The toman just shook their heads when Shinichiro was about to stop Shion.

"Kill huh?" You said keeping your heads done. "Kill...." You said again while smiling this time.

You lift your head and smiled at him that makes him confuse. Asking to himself while are you smiling. The first gen of black dragons was also asking the same question. Why are you smiling when you were about to get beaten up. Taiju only find it entertaining.

"Why are you smiling?! Do you really want to die?!" He said again lifting you in the air.

You raised your hands and clapped on his face creating a sound waves that shock and paralyzed him for a moment. As he let go of your collar, you tagged his shirt making him fall. When he falls down to the ground you went to his back like a snake circling his prey and pointing you're middle finger to his neck as you hold his chin.

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