Guitar Man Pt. 6*

Start from the beginning

Laurie's lip quivered at his fathers comment which soon had Harry taking it back.

"Oh c'mon bubs, I was only joking. But you will start stinking if we don't give you a bath," he said picking up the little boy and throwing him over his shoulder before scooping up Ruthie in his other arm.

"I'll get them in the bath and you do the dishes?" Harry asked.

"Sure. Shouldn't take me long. I'll come help you when I'm done," I smiled as I watched him take the kids in the house and up to the bathroom.

Once I finished washing the dishes, I quietly padded up the stairs. I heard the commotion in the bathroom before I saw it. When I got to the doorway I lingered there for a moment to see what was going on.

Both kids were in the tub together surrounded in bubbles. Harry was knelt in front of the bath, leaned over to help them.

"Can you say 'Baby'?" Harry asked Ruthie.

"Bay-bee," Ruthie babbled.

"Good. That's my smart girl," he smiled.

"Say 'Uh Oh' !" Harry exclaimed.

"Uh Oh," Ruthie responded. I couldn't see it, but I knew Harry had the biggest grin on his face, similar to the one that was adorning Ruthie's chubby cheeks. Laurie was focused on coloring the walls of the bathtub with his bath crayons. His tongue was out as he focused hard on his artwork.

"Can you say 'Dada'?" Harry asked, knowing that was the first word Ruthie ever spoke. Then, Ruthie noticed me standing in the door way. Her chubby baby arms extended upward.

"Mama," she said.

"No. Daddy," Harry spoke.

"Mama," she said again, but this time it came out as more of a squeal.

Harry looked over his shoulder to see me standing in the doorway.

"Mama," he finally agreed with Ruthie. I smiled and walked towards them until I was attempting to kneel down next to Harry. The baby bump was making it a bit difficult, but Harry reached up and grabbed my arm and placed a hand on the small of my back to help me onto my knees.

"I'm drawing a really big rocket ship mommy," Laurie explained, not looking up from where he was coloring.

"I can't wait to see it," I encouraged his creativity. I turned my attention to Ruthie next.

"Is dad teaching you words pretty girl?" I asked her. She was happy today and clapped her hands together in response.

"Cmon let's keep going. Show mum how smart you are," Harry hummed, running his hand through her wet hair to smooth it back out of her eyes.

"What do puppies say?" he asked her

"Woo woo woo" Ruthie responded in her best attempt to replicate the sounds of a dog barking.

"Good," he cooed.

"What do cats say?" he asked.

"Mooooo," Ruthie responded.

"They say 'meow'," he explained to her.

"Mew," she echoed

"What's a cow say?" he asked.

"Mooooooo," she elongated her sound and then giggled at herself.

"Ruthie you're getting so smart," Laurie said, proud of his sister.

"I'm done with my picture now, too. You guys can look now," Laurie explained to us.

Harry and I bent over the wall of the tub to see what the 5- year old had drawn.

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