🤪Slightly Insane🤪

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Kooky, Lemmy, Iggy, Marx, and Motley have entered the chat. 

Kooky: Guys, what should we talk about this time?

Iggy: idk. 

Kooky: Iggy, you were spamming us w/ emojis when you didn't take your pills. 

Iggy: dude. I said sorry!

Marx: can we not argue guys?

Kooky: I cannot live without conflict.

Motley: This chat doesn't have a lot of people in it.

Kooky: That's because the stupid crocodile and the stupid dragon left the chat. 

Lemmy: Kooky, do you have to insult everyone?

Kooky: yes.

Lemmy: The people on the villains group chat had a rap battle yesterday.

Iggy: Who won?

Lemmy: the judge said they were all terrible.

Marx: That makes sense. 

Kooky: We don't follow sense! We are insane!

Iggy: But Kooky, we took our pills today.

Kooky: I'm insane regardless. 

Motley: How does he even have a girlfriend?

Marx: Maybe you should ask Luna. 

Kooky removed Motley and Marx from the chat.

Iggy: KOOKY!

Lemmy: Now this chat has ended up just like our awesome koopaling group chat!

Kooky: First of all, I hate that chat. Second, I think at least one person gets removed from every chat, so yeah. 

Lemmy: Not every chat!

Kooky: 96% of chats. 

Iggy: Are you sure that's accurate?

Kooky: 😑

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