Chapter 27 : Official announcements and revelations

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The sun, a diurnal star, stretched its rays like branches towards the land of Arda. These rays, shortly after daybreak, snaked through the bright green trees of the forest of Eryn Lasgalen. The birds whistled, the animals woke up slowly. Near the caves, the new dwellings suddenly came to life.

Fluttered voices were heard, some singing. The elves came out of their homes, the children played outside, perched on a mound of earth covered with grass and flowers.

In the palace, in the shelter of the caves, the king of these lands had been awake for a while. He wondered, looking out the window of the eastern corridor, where his son was.

He had just gone to look in his room but he was not there. Was he at least not dreaming?

Caught in a sudden doubt, he headed for the guest wing. He knocked on the door of Elenwë's room and when he didn't hear a sound, he entered. Perhaps they had left early this morning?

But what he saw made him stop. No.. They had not left the palace.

Thranduil felt his father's heart move as he saw only Legolas and Elenwë, peacefully asleep, in each other's arms, blond and silver hair mixed together. The traveling clothes they wore were not very shiny and they had not even taken the time the night before to change and slip under the sheets.

On their faces was an expression of serene happiness, of deep and true joy.

The king turned back, keeping this image in mind. They were happy and Thranduil had never seen his son so at peace. In this he thanked the Valar for Elenwë's presence.

He went to the meeting room where Feren, his right hand man, would give him the report of the night's watch.

When he arrived, his advisors and patrol leaders seemed agitated. What had happened?

As soon as they all noticed his presence, they fell silent and sat down around the long oval table.

- Feren?" asked the sovereign. What's going on?

The stern-looking brown elf stood up and said, in a dark voice:

- Heiden, captain of the northern unit died last night with two of his guards, Tanenya and Elluin, Aran nin... and Iefyr, captain of the east who was with him is between life and death in a room of the nursing home. Their respective garrisons, crossing each other during their rounds, met a group of orcs at the northeast border of our lands.

Thranduil darkened and looked intently at his right arm.

He leaned over the table, pointing to a spot on the map that represented the forest and its surroundings.

- Right there. Iefyr and his guards have eradicated the group and I have sent, as a replacement, Lieutenant Arryn.

He sat back down and everyone waited for the king's reaction. He moistened his lips, crossed his legs and said:

- Arryn is a very good element of the guard. She and her soldiers will be able to protect the northern border in the east. You have done very well, Feren.

The meeting ended a few minutes later, with these last words from the king:

- This afternoon, I have two important announcements to make. Please organize a quick buffet.


In the middle of the afternoon, the return of the prince and his engagement to Elenwë became truly official.

The elves of the court came to congratulate them, ate a little, discussed and some even talked about the outfits or the date of the wedding.

- They are enthusiastic! Elenwë suddenly said to her fiancé.

The latter had a smile.

- Yes, they already love you! The opposite would have been surprising!

The cheeks of the elleth turned red and she stammered some inaudible words.

As the little impromptu party got into full swing, Elenwë felt her instincts become alarmed. Something was wrong.

As if to confirm her words, an elven horn sounded and a brown elf came running.

- Orcs! Orcs are attacking us. About two hundred, Aran nin.

- Everyone to your positions! ordered the ruler.

As the nobles rushed to safety, Elenwë pulled her sword, Ant Estel, from her skirts and headed for the guard line.

Legolas did not have time to say wow and saw her go. He sighed. He and his father ran to the soldiers and drew their weapons.

The army was extremely close and would soon be upon them.

To get to where they were, the orcs would have to pass by the river.

The half-Maia concentrated, and with a fluid motion of her hand, raised the waters of the river. She brought it down upon them, as the woodland elves looked on in amazement.

When Thranduil looked in her direction, his silver hair was flying, emerging from a star metal helmet. Her shining armor had come to protect her once more and he widened his eyes.

- You? he articulated with difficulty.

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