"As romantic as this is," Cole said. "There's a light over there and we should probably investigate."

Lloyd gently lowered you onto the ground.

Jay looked at the light. He climbed towards it. "It's a peep-hole!" he said excitedly.

"To whose room?" you asked.

"Skylor's," Jay said.

Kai climbed up quickly hearing this.

"Hey!" Jay yelled. "Wait your turn, Kai!"

"I want to see too!" Kai argued. "Share!"

"What's she doing?" you asked.

"Training," Jay said.

"I hope we can find out what her power is," Kai said.

Jay and Kai both gasped in unison. "Her power . . . is fire!"

Cole started laughing like crazy. "Kai's in love with his cousin! Kai's in love with his cousin!" he chanted.

"I am not!" Kai yelled. He came down, Jay followed.

"Oh," you said, realizing that Cole had left a trail of candy leading back to the room. "Smart idea of you to leave behind a trail for us to follow. I didn't even think about that."

"What?" He turned around and noticed the trail. "Oh . . . Yeah, I did that on purpose!"

You laughed and continued walking.

After about a minute, you heard noises. You saw five people wearing skulls on their head and face paint. You and the group hid behind a rock.

"We need to find out where they're going," Kai whispered.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" you whispered back.

Cole came up with a plan and told us.

"I'm not jumping them!" you said quietly.

"We have to find out what's going on," Jay reminded me.

"Please," Lloyd said. "There's five of them, so we need five people."

"Fine," you said.

After you attacked them, you put on their skulls. You gagged at the smell.

"What about the face paint?" Kai asked.

Cole popped on of the pieces of chocolate into his mouth. That's when you came up with an idea.

"We can use the chocolate!" you said.

"What?" Cole asked.

"The chocolate. We could use it as face paint," you said.

"Good idea," Lloyd said. He grabbed a handful of Cole's candy and dumped half of it into my hand.

We finally finished putting on the face paint. "Okay," Lloyd said. "They were heading this way, so let's go."

You and the ninjas walked down the hall. You saw rows of five guys each, all wearing skulls. You joined them. Kai was on the far right, Lloyd was beside him, you were in the middle, beside you was Coke, and Jay was on the left. The skull men started chanting and you followed their lead. Jay did a very good impression and you tried your best.

Karlof was brought of a room. You gasped quietly. 'He's not dead!'

Karlof was in his metal form. He looked incredibly angry. He was set in front of Chen.

Chen shook his head. "You have lost."

"Karlof never lose!" Karlof said.

Chen laughed. "Don't be a sore loser!"

Karlof looked like he was going to kill someone.

Chen smiled. "Well then," he said. "Only one can remain."

Chen was holding a staff and he banged it against the ground. A ray of ice shot out and the ninjas gasped. Karlof went from his metal form back to his normal form. He banged his fists together.

"You . . . you took my metal!" Karlof realized.

"Cole!" Jay suddenly exclaimed, trying to be quiet. "You can't eat the chocolate."

"But it's so delicious!" Cole argued.

"Hey," someone in the row in front of y'all said. "What's happening to your face?"

"The chocolate's melting!" Kai realized.

"Are those . . ." another person in the row in front of us started.

"Shit!" you exclaimed. "Our covers blown! What do we do?"

"Run!" Jay yelled.

You did as he said. You ran out the way you came, following the trail of chocolate. The ninjas followed right behind you.

"We're safe!" you realized. When you turned around, you saw fifty of the skull men following you. "Damn it, no we aren't!" Cole tripped and a bunch of traps set off. "Damn it, Cole!"

You and the ninjas continued running, dodging traps. It was all a blur to you, until a snake shot out of the ground. "Oh my first spinjitzu master!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. Snakes were your biggest fear. You wanted to run, but your legs wouldn't move. Lloyd picked you up bridal style and started running at the speed of light. He followed the ninja into a cave area. He set you down.

"That's the second biggest snake I've ever seen!" someone yelled. You couldn't tell who, you could barely even hear over the sound of your heartbeat.

Another person yelled, "The second! What's the first?!"

The snake tried to get into the cave. You screamed and fainted.

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