~ Saving Beverly ~

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"Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie laughed as he pointed to the well

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"Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie laughed as he pointed to the well. His joke clearly didn't work as no one was laughing. Elaine sighed, pulling him away from the well, "I don't think your wish would come true," Looking into the deep hole, Ben yelled concerned, "Beverly!" Mike pulled him away, also peering over the edge of the well. "How're we supposed to get down there?"

The kids shrugged. He smiled finding rope hidden behind some old dresser. "That'll do." Mike tied the rope around the leg of the heavy dresser, making sure it wouldn't break when they went down. Looking at the rope and then the well, Stanley shuttered hesitantly, "So how old is this thing?" Bill placed a hand on Stan's shoulder, "Relax Stan, it's f-fine," He continued, "So w-who's going first?"

Stanley crossed his arms, "If it's fine like you say, why don't you go?" Bill's eyes widened, slightly scared the rope would snap. A cheeky grin appeared on Richie's face, "Why, are you scared?" Bill shrugged, peering back into the well, "N-No, me scared?" "It's okay to be scared Bill," Elaine explained, patting his shoulder. Richie jumped between the pair, urging Bill to go toward the well.

"Now, get in there!" Richie stated in a British accent, the same one from back at the alley. Bill finally started his descent. It was his idea after all. Thankfully everything went smoothly and he reached a tunnel. "Okay, w-who's next?" He called from down below. They each followed Bill's lead, joining him in the tight tunnel. They were re-entering the sewers. "Great." Eddie gagged.

"Mike?" The kids called, wondering why he hadn't made his way down yet. Henry Bower's face peered over the edge instead, smiling evilly down at them. "Oh no," Elaine mumbled, tense for Mike. "Grab the rope!" Bill yelled, but it was too late. Henry pulled up the rope. The six kids waited worriedly in the tunnel, finally hearing a loud gunshot. Elaine flinched, her eyes squeezed shut at the idea of Mike being shot.

Richie squeezed her shoulder, pulling her away from the opening of the tunnel. "Mike, you okay, buddy?" He yelled, but there was no response. He gulped and sat back inside the tunnel. "Guys..." Stanley started, his eyes widening when Henry unexpectedly came flying down the hole. "What the fuck?!" Richie yelled up, a smiling and sweaty Mike peering over the edge. "Got him," Elaine sighed, "Thank god,"

Bill smiled, "W-Well, I guess we d-don't have to deal with him anymore," They all cheered for the boy as he made his way down into the tunnel. Sadly things weren't over yet. Through their celebrating, the group hadn't noticed Stanley wandered off. Eddie pointed his flashlight deeper into the tunnel. "Guys, where's Stan?" Elaine whimpered, "Stan!"  But there was no response, only an echo of Elaine's voice.

Trekking through the tunnel, Eddie tried to contain his gags as gray water seeped into his shoes. A cry for help echoed through the tunnel, Stanley being heard. They paused, eyeing the entrance of three different tunnels. Stan could only be in one. Bill led them down, the dirty water splashing on their faces as they raced. The screams led them to a big metal door, adorned with a large valve.

The kids all began twisting, using all their force seeing how Stanley's cries were only getting louder. The door led them to the main sewage room where they were met with Stanley laying weekly in the water, something gnawing on his neck. "What the fuck is that?" Richie yelled, seeing Stanley's lifeless body being chewed on by something. The creature turned to face them, a woman, the woman from the painting.

It let out a loud screech and scurried away into a pipe, leaving Stanley a sobbing mess. "You left me!" He sobbed, all the kids starting to cry too. "Stan, we'd never leave you," Elaine sniffled, walking towards her friend. She went to hug the boy but he jerked, pushing her away into the gray water. Elaine shook, the cold water making her skin crawl. Still in complete shock, the boy continued to scream. "You guys made me go into Neibolt!"

The kids engulfed the distraught boy into a hug, Stanley weeping into their shoulders. "We love you, Stan, we'd never leave you," Richie sniffed, squeezing the group of kids tightly, well except Bill. Bill stood at the entrance of another tunnel, in a trance due to a vision of Georgie. He grabbed the bolt gun from Mike's back pocket and ran into the tunnel. "Bill?" Eddie yelled being the first to notice him leaving. "Bill!"

The kids quickly stood up, making their way further into the sewers. The water level was higher, almost at Elaine's knees. She struggled to run while Richie pulled her further. Eddie struggled as much as her and ended up falling face-first into the dirty water. Richie groaned at the sight. "Common dude, get up, that's gray water," Eddie gasped for air, wiping his face with his cast.

He was unfazed by Richie's words, searching for something in the water. "My fucking flashlight!" He exclaimed, both disgusted and scared of what lurked underneath the brown water. He finally spotted the flashlight, extending his arm to grab it, but before he could decapitated heads began to float up. Eddie panicked, reaching for Elaine and Richie to pull him up, this only ended in Elaine falling in too. The two yelled in the water, splashing to get out.

"Richie, help!" Elaine wretched, the stench of the water getting to her. Richie yanked the two up, Eddie finally grabbing his flashlight as they ran through the water, stomping over the heads. They were glad when they reached the end of the tunnel, a flat surface with no gray water sight. Elaine ringed out her soaked hair, finally taking a break to take a deep breath.

Her eyes were met with a large dark room, kids floating in the air forming some sort of carnival ride. This room could quite possibly be the definition of hell. The air she'd gained was once again sucked out of her lungs when she saw Beverly floating above them, her eyes a ghostly white colour. She reached for Richie, "Oh my god," She gasped, trying to get any air she could back into her body.

He gently held her close to him, both of them damp. "In and out, like before," He reminded her, placing her hand on his chest and taking deep breaths with her. Except it was nothing like before. They weren't in her room. They weren't alone. They were thousands of levels underground being haunted by something they didn't even know yet. Elaine was petrified.

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