~ Goodbye ~

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A few days passed since the Losers Club's little incident beneath Neibolt

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A few days passed since the Losers Club's little incident beneath Neibolt. They all gathered in a field on the outskirts of town. Beverly adjusted her seated position on her unsteady tree stump, "I can only remember bits and pieces, but I thought I was dead." She sighed, trying to explain how she felt when Pennywise had taken her. "Well, that's what it felt like." Elaine gulped at the thought, thanking god it was Beverly and not her.

Though it was very selfish and quite rude, Elaine really was grateful. She rested her chin against Richie's shoulder, intently listening to the girl. "I saw us, all of us together in the sewer's. But we were older... Like our parent's ages." She spoke up. Richie perked up at her words, pulling a comical face. "Am I still handsome as an adult?" Beverly shrugged intending to compliment him, though it sounded more like an insult.

"You grow into your looks," Richie looked to his friends scoffing, "What the fuck does that mean?" The kids laughed, Elaine facing her boyfriend, "I'm sure you'll be handsome then," She smiled, pressing a soft kiss against his cheek. The kids groaned, still getting used to the two being together. Richie lit up, turning to look at everyone with his red cheeks. "You guys heard that too, right?" "You can be honest to him Elaine," Eddie grinned, Richie flipping him off.

"What about me?" Stanley asked, breaking the tension between the two boys. All of the kids were unaware that Beverly hadn't actually seen the curly-haired boy in her vision. Her face fell as she tried to lie, "Like now, but taller." She tried to smile, not wanting the others to suspect something was wrong. "W-What were we all doing there?" Bill asked, concerned about what the girl had seen.

She searched for the right words, "I just remember how we felt. How scared we were." Beverly got goosebumps at the thought alone. "I don't think I could ever forget that." You see, Beverly was moving out of Derry to go live with her aunt in Portland. She had no family or relatives left in town so it was her only option for a shot at a good life. Of course, Beverly didn't want to leave the Losers behind, but after the summer she'd had, she was okay with never stepping foot inside the town again.

Beverly was the first to part away from the group, leaving them all heartbroken. If they'd known her before this summer, maybe things would've been different. Bill stood up, grabbing some sort of glass bottle littered in the grass and smashing it against a log. Bill spoke confidently, a piece of glass between his fingers, "Swear. S-Swear if it isn't dead-" He stopped, trying to find a better way to formulate his sentence. "If it ever comes back, we'll come back too." The kids looked at each other unsure.

Mike was the first to stand, Beverly, doing the same. The others sighed and finally stood up, putting their hands out. Bill made his way around the circle, cutting each of his friend's palms. Richie cussed, not expecting the sting that came when the air collided with his wound. "What the fuck?" He yelled, shaking his hand and making blood splatter everywhere. The kids groaned, wiping his blood off of themselves. "You are seriously fucking disgusting, did you know that?" Eddie asked sarcastically, wiping Richie's blood off his face.

"What, it hurt?" Richie shot his hands up in his own defence. Elaine rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, sticking her hand out preparing for her palm to be cut. Bill slid the sharp glass against her delicate skin making her let out a small whimper. Richie squeezed her shoulder, grabbing a hold of her hand. The rest did the same, each of them intertwining their fingers and forming a tight knit circle.

It was a bit culty, making all of them break out laughing and then let go. Stanley finally stopped giggling, pursing his lips together. All of the kids followed his lead, an awkward silence forming among them. "I gotta go. I hate you." He said trying to stay serious, this only caused the group to break out laughing once again. "Bye Stan," They waved, Richie blew him a kiss making Stanley pretend to catch it.

Eddie snorted at his action, checking his watch before standing. "Me too," He waved, skipping away, "Bye guys," Mike soon did the same, apologizing for having to leave them all so soon. He went off towards the opposite direction, headed back to his grandfather's farm. Ben quickly said his goodbye's to the group, being slightly cold to Bill before he left. The bigger boy wasn't exactly happy with his stuttering friend. Angry was an understatement.

Bill had won over Beverly, the only girl who Ben would ever love. He had written the poem, not Bill. Even after kissing Beverly in the sewers, she still wasn't able to see. Ben gave up, accepting that the girl would never feel the same way toward him. Richie finally stood up waving as he pulled Elaine forward, "See ya around, Bill," Bill smiled in return, "See ya, Rich," Elaine quickly said goodbye to the red-headed girl, knowing she'd probably never see her again.

"Bye Bev, it was really nice to meet you," She let go of Richie's hand, surprising the taller girl with a hug. She hugged back, now a bit sadder to be leaving than before. "You too, Laine, thanks for everything, " She let go, smiling down at the brunette. Elaine and Richie then walked away towards town, their hands locked together as they made small talk. They walked past the many shops in town. "You know, technically, if that piece of shit didn't exist, we wouldn't be holding hands right now,"

Elaine let out a breathy laugh at Richie's remark, "You know, you haven't officially asked me to be your girlfriend yet, Rich?" He pondered for a moment, realizing she was right. Elaine grinned at his reaction. He turned to her with a hand on his heart. He cleared his throat, "Oh, Elaine, will you do me the very greatest honour and be my girlfriend?" He asked, doing some sort of Victorian accent.

Elaine tried to conceal a laugh as she hummed, pretending to think. "I don't know, you seem a bit... Bizarre." Richie was taken aback by her insult, making the two burst out laughing. "So, will you?" He asked impatiently. Elaine stood on her tiptoes, pecking him lightly on the lips. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Richie," The boy grinned widely.

Elaine opened her mouth to speak again, his smile starting to fade. "Breaking up with me already?" Elaine chuckled, "Never." She trailed off, "I was just saying, there is one condition." "To what?" "Well, to me being your girlfriend," Richie furrowed his eyebrows, "What now?" "You need to buy me ice cream," Richie groaned, complaining while Elaine skipped to the ice cream shop.

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