~ The room ~

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Shaking, Elaine skimmed the blue-walled room

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Shaking, Elaine skimmed the blue-walled room. She girl cried hugging her knees. "Please, n-no, Chris," Christopher chuckled at his younger sister's reaction. "Why didn't you stop me?" He asked her, his grin widening. "I-I didn't know," Elaine murmured quietly, not trusting this person who was supposed to be her brother. "Of course, you knew." He yelled in disappointment, "Everyone knew."

Elaine gulped, her eyes focused on the gun between his fingers. She gulped, "I s-swear I didn't. Chris shook his head, biting his tongue to hold back a laugh. "You wanted me to die." "W-What? How could you say that?" "Oh please, I was dead to you before I even died." Elaine felt as though her body had collapsed on itself. "N-No, I loved you, Chris." She sniffled.

"I didn't even exist in your world. " Chris replied, his smile fading into a frown. "I looked up to you," "You wanted nothing to do with me." "That's not true," She defended, her whole body shaking. Christopher's expression shifted, lazily aiming the gun at Elaine. "You were ashamed of me." "You were my best friend." She wiped her eyes, tears flooding her vision.

The boy finally broke the silence, cocking the gun. "You were a horrible sister." He hissed, his words making her wince. "P-Please, I'm sorry, I'll be better!" Elaine wailed, bracing herself for the impact that was coming. "It's all your fault!" Christopher yelled at the girl, his face red with pure anger. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Elaine fell to the floor, her lip trembling as she tried to crawl away.

In a corner she covered her eyes and ears, not wanting to face her angry brother. "You did this to me! It's all your fault!" The boy kept yelling, approaching the girl with the gun. "S-Stop you're scaring me!" She yelled, screaming so loud that her head ached. "Boo-hoo Elaine, grow up! No one is going to fucking love you if all you do is cry!"

Elaine coughed, not remembering growing up with this version of him. "You're sick." "Oh please, Elaine. Face it, you killed me!" He clamoured, terrorizing the younger girl. "You're pathetic." "S-Stop, please!" She begged, both her hands over her ears. "You really think he could love someone like you?" With the mention of Richie, Elaine felt her ears start to burn. "He does." She tried, shaking her head.

"No one could ever love you something like you. You're a murderer! You killed me, Elaine!" "No," He laughed hysterically, repeating his words over and over again. "You killed me! You killed me! You killed me!" He sang, dancing around like a maniac. She wheezed into her knees, searching for the smallest bit of air left in her lungs.

His laughter abruptly halted as he bent over the girl, his shadow swallowing her small body. "You're what really killed me." Elaine coughed, traumatized by the boy she once called her older brother. "I killed you." With a smile, a single tear slid down his face. "I hope you get what's coming for you." "Chris, p-please-" "Goodbye Elaine." He blinked, the loud bang then filling her ears.

She jumped, covering her mouth as she gasped for air. Her brother fell to the floor beside her, inches away from her feet. Her ears rang, the blood from Chris's wound leaking onto her clothes and staining them scarlet. She sobbed hysterically, screaming as loudly as she could. "Oh god, no, this isn't real!" She pounded on the door beside her, praying someone would come to her rescue.

"R-Richie!" She whimpered clawing at the door. She pawed and scratched, in total refusal that things were going to end like this. I mean, she had to get out of here at one point, right? But, on the other side of the house, Bill and Richie each finally managed to escape the room they'd previously been locked in. The minute they got out Richie immediately started to panic, "Fuck, where's Elaine?"

When he hurried back upstairs and was met with the sound of someone hitting a door, his heart sank to his feet. "S-Someone, h-help me!" Elaine hiccuped, her fingertips sticking out from beneath the old wooden door. "Elaine, holy fuck! Is that you?" Elaine stood up, aggressively pulling on the doorknob. "Richie, get me out of here!" She begged, her words barely audible from all the crying.

"I'm here, Lainey, I'm going to get you out," He reassured, but it was no use from the other side of the door. Unable to catch her breath, Elaine recited the same sentence, "R-Richie, please, you need to get me out!" He cursed at himself turning to kick the door. "It won't open!" "Get me out!" She called again, pure agony in her tired voice.
The sound of his favourite person in such misery broke his heart.

Richie finally grabbed a chair and sighed, this was his last resort. "Laine, move away from the door." She sniffled from the other side, wretching at the sight of her brother's dead body. "I'm gonna get you out, you just have to move, alright?" Shaking, she moved away from her brother's corpse and to the opposite wall. Richie ran into the door with the chair, the wood's smashing against each other and forming a hole.

Elaine shakily crawled through to him, Richie instantaneously scooping her into his arms. "Oh my god, Richie. I-It was awful," She sobbed gripping his shirt as tightly as she could. She let out the world's most horrible cry. He pointed out the red stains on her clothes, scanning her body for any form of injury. "You're bleeding, shit, are you hurt?" "It was so bad," She cried harder, not responding to his previous question.

Richie cupped Elaine's face, "Elaine, are you hurt?" She shook her head, her teeth clattering together as she shook. She squirmed at the sight of the ruby colour. "It's not m-mine." She reassured calming Richie's nerves. He went on, "Who's blood is it then?" "It's C-Chris's." A shiver went down Richie's back. "Let's get you out of here." He decided, seeing her state.

As he helped the unstable girl get up, Bill yelled from below, his words echoing through the hole in the floor. "Guys, I f-found Eddie!" Elaine gasped, stepping away from Richie. She covered her mouth, sobbing heavily into her hands for the second time. "I killed him, It's all my fault!" Elaine choked, trying to justify what happened.

"He fell, I was only trying to help but, the floor, it's so old and-" Eddie's voice interrupted from down below, "Jesus, I'm not dead!" Elaine and Richie's head's shot up at the sound. The two quickly made their way down towards the kitchen where stood their two friends and a that fucking clown. "Eddie, thank god, you're okay-" "Just in time to see the show!" It giggled, letting go of Eddie's mangled arm.

He sighed with relief, dropping his head back down on the wooden table. It made its way towards Elaine and Richie, smiling down at the two."Now, this is a better snack!" It grabbed ahold of Elaine, sending Richie flying to the floor. He yanked Elaine towards his mouth, drool dripping from his lips. "Let her go!" Richie yelled from the floor, the clown looking Elaine up and down.

"I said let go of her you fat-fuck!" Richie kicked and tugged at the beast but it was no use. "P-Please!" Elaine cried, it's many rows of teeth flooding her vision. "I haven't even had my first kiss yet!" She sobbed in fear, its mouth practically engulfing her. She struggled to keep her eyes open, the world around her starting to spin, "I'm too young to die!"

She heard the sounds of shoes scrambling on the old wood floors, making their way toward the kitchen. A few loud screams were let out till she finally felt herself be dropped, hard on the floor. For all she knew, she was dead, floating in the skies above with Chris. That was it. But, for some reason, it wasn't. Richie's voice cracked as he shook the girl's shoulders, "Elaine, wake up!"

She looked around, seeing doubles of everything. Still in the old kitchen at Neibolt, she frowned, "What... What happened?" Richie sighed in relief as he fixed his chunky glasses. "Thank the lord, you're okay." He mumbled, looking up to the sky. However, before he could explain what'd happened, Beverly jumped up, "We have to go," Richie scooped Elaine up in his arms, frantically carrying her out of the house. The rest ran out behind them, Mike and Bill helping Eddie exit.

His broken arm looked even worse in dizzy Elaine's eyes: like another broken arm was growing out from his current one. Mrs. Kasprak was going to freak. Mike put the boy in the basket of his bike, Eddie whimpering as he held onto his arm. Elaine watched as she climbed onto the back of Richie's bike, still too dizzy to ride her own. She held on tightly to his waist, sighing in relief that this was all finally over. For now.

Elaine squeezed her eyes shut, the horrible memories replaying in her mind. Just the thought of what just happened gave her goosebumps. On the back of Richie's bike, she made a promise to herself. She was never going to go back inside that house on Neibolt street ever again.

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