~ Pharmacy ~

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Ben smiled at Elaine from his spot on the crate, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks as he did so

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Ben smiled at Elaine from his spot on the crate, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks as he did so. Richie groaned, ready to humble him. He propped himself up against the brick wall, hands trailing on his forearms. "Man, you sure have a lot to learn." "Huh?" Ben asked confused, his eyes still stuck on Elaine. Richie pulled Elaine towards himself, a smug smirk on his face.

This would do the trick to stop Ben's staring. He threw an arm around her shoulder, Elaine oddly quiet since Ben revealed his cut. "You okay, Dolly?" "Just a headache," She lied. "I can ask Eddie if he has anything that'll help?" He smiled, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She nodded, resting her head against his arm.

The chubby boy's eyes widened, connecting the dots and looking away. He motioned to the duo, his lips pursed, "So, you two are... Together then?" He questioned. Richie laughed at his question, "Ha, I wish!" Ben looked even more confused than before, "So you aren't?" Richie shrugged, Elaine still zoned out against him.

The two acted like a couple, that's for sure. "Kinda," "That makes no sense-" "Move out of the way!" Eddie yelled, interrupting the conversation. "Finally, could you Losers have taken any longer!" Richie sighed, watching Eddie and Stan stumble with way too many things in their hands. "Jesus fuck, how much shit did you guys buy?"

"It doesn't matter, get out of the way!" Eddie repeated once again. Stretching his arms as if he were about to run a mile, he began cleaning Ben's wound. Richie blabbering about anything he could to distract and annoy Eddie while doing so. Elaine simply stood behind him, still leaning against him. "Okay, I need to focus right now."

"You need to focus?" Richie argued. "Can you get more bandages?" "Yeah, what do you need." "Get my bifocals, they're hidden in my second fanny pack." Richie cackled, dropping the boy's fanny pack. "Why do you have two fanny packs?" Stan asked, holding back a laugh. "Guys, I need to focus right now and-" "He has two fanny packs!"

Richie wheezed, smacking his knee as he died of laughter. Elaine ignored him, unsure of why his behaviour is so up and down today. She helped Eddie, picking up the fallen pack and handing the bifocals to Eddie. "Thank's Dolly." He smiled, glad that at least someone was being serious about this. Unlike Stan and Richie who continued to laugh.

Richie perked up, suddenly remembering his short conversation with Elaine earlier. "Hey Eddie, you got some shit for a headache in there?" "Yeah, probably why?" "Lainey's head hurts." "Oh yeah, one sec." The boy searched his bag, finally throwing a bottle at Richie. He caught it, unscrewing the orange bottle's lid. "Take one,"
Eddie instructed, going back to helping Ben.

Richie passed the girl a pill and watched her as she quickly swallowed it. "Thanks," "Mhm," He nodded, throwing the pills back to Eddie. He hadn't been as agile as Richie and dropped the container, all the pills falling out onto the cement. "Are you fucking kidding me!" He yelled. Richie was busy laughing with Stan while Elaine helped pick up his fallen pills once again.

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