~ Face your fears ~

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"H-How is she in the air?" Richie asked, an arm protectively slung around Elaine

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"H-How is she in the air?" Richie asked, an arm protectively slung around Elaine. "A-Are those..?" Eddie asked, pointing to the kids floating in the air. With his words, Stanley gulped, "The missing kids, floating." Elaine felt herself grow nauseous at the thought of all the kids she'd once seen in town floating dead in this big room. "Bev?" Ben asked, breaking away from the rest of the kids.

When the boy noticed the girl's state, he let out a cry of terror, "Beverly!" Giving the larger boy a boost, the kids helped him pull down the floating girl. He shook her a few times, hoping maybe she would wake up but nothing changed. Tears filled the powerless boy's eyes, "Why isn't she waking up, what's wrong with her?!" "Maybe she's possessed?" Elaine suggested, remembering having read about it in a book.

Stanley gave her a baffled look which caused her to quickly look down. They all felt horrible for Ben, knowing how much he cared for Beverly. It was he who wrote her the poem, not Bill. He pulled Bev down towards himself, kissing her on the lips. The kids' eyes all widened, not expecting the boy to do such a thing at this time. "Ew." Eddie gagged, looking away while the rest of the kids groaned at the sight.

Richie smirked at the fat boy. "Wow," Ben let go, smiling shily. But the unexpected did in fact happen, the girl began to move and her eyes gently fluttered open. "January embers," She started, Ben holding her tightly. He finished her sentence, "My heart burns there too." The kids looked at each other confused but decided to ignore it, joining in the hug. They all broke apart, smiling at each other. "Where's Bill?" Bev finally asked, looking around.

"We thought maybe he'd be here, with you," Elaine explained. Little did they know, the boy was right beside them, blocked by a large pile of junk. Bill watched the illusion of Georgie in front of him, desperately wishing it was his brother. "Georgie?" He asked not believing his eyes, the younger Denbrough frowned at his words.  "What took you so long?"

Bill's throat began to burn, tears pooling in his eyes. " I was looking f-f-for you this whole time." Georgie moved closer, coming into light. One of his arms had been ripped off, his sleeve limp while he held the paper boat he and his brother had created. "I couldn't find my way out of here,"  Bill's heart broke. "He said I couldn't have my boat back, Billy," Georgie whined, water pouring out his eyes. Bill let out a small chuckle, smiling weakly, "Was she fast?" "I couldn't keep up with it." Georgie explained.

Bill's smile faded with his reply. This wasn't Georgie. He sighed, reminding himself this wasn't real; just the clown messing with him once again. "She Georgie, you call boats she," Bill's worse fear came true. Richie was right, Georgie was dead. The clown noticed its mistake and changed the topic, hoping Bill would quickly forget about it. "Take me home, Billy," The short boy begged.

"I want to go home," He cried, Bill beginning to sob. The Losers peered over the pile of junk, Georgie and Bill coming into view. Elaine's heart broke at the sight of the two brothers. She remembered the small delicate boy who once reminded her so much of herself. "I want more than anything f-for you to be home, with Mom and Dad and- I miss you," He broke, his voice cracking.

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