❤❤❤ Yami Yugi X Diana Malfoy ❤❤❤

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During the punishment in which Harry had to spend the night with Draco, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest they came across sounds of distruction till they all ran towards them just to come across Yugi's older brother Yami, Draco's older sister Diana and Diana and Draco's cousin Seto Kaiba dueling two of their most recent foes Dartz and Yami Marik who were revived by Voldemort to challenge the heroes.
The duel had taken place after nightfall but due to the time period most duels range to the three were out after hours.
Diana: This is our last line of defense. Does anyone have any new ideas for tactics?
Yami: Just one, but it should be enough to remove them and return them to the afterlife.
Kaiba: At this point, I am ready to agree, even if the idea is suicidal. Let's put an end to this madness.
Diana: I agree. Let's finish quickly. We lost enough time here and we will be punished if we don't return by sunrise.
Yami then nods and prepares the field for the god summonings each of them held.
Draco: Hagrid, is it really possible that my family will be punished for all this?
Hagrid: Not in these circumstances, Mr. Malfoy. Your sister and cousin are involved in a battle for their lives. I don't think anyone can judge them for being here to defend themselves against the black lord's pawns.
At the same time, however, Prof. Snape, Prof. McGonagall and Prof. Dumbledore also arrived at the site of the duel.
Prof. McGonagall: In Merlin's name, what's going on here?
Prof. Snape: This sounds like an ambush to me. Diana said she had been feeling strange things for several weeks when I sent her for ingredients here.
Prof. Dumbledore: The Pharaoh said the same thing, so this time I confronted Mr. Kaiba with him, but I did not know that the situation was so complicated.
Hagrid: Professors, should we intervene to prevent further trouble?
Prof. McGonagall: We can't interfere until the end of the battle, Hagrid. Unfortunately, the rules oblige us to be bystanders.
Draco: Sir, my family will not be punished after all this, will they? Don't worry, Mr. Malfoy. It is obvious that the trio was obliged to participate against their will. There will be no consequences for your sister or your cousin.
Hermione: What about the Pharaoh?
Prof. McGonagall: By no means. Yami would try to take all the blame, but we saw enough to know that they had no choice.
The duel, of course, continues for several more hours before the duelists have a chance to open a portal and bring the two lost souls back to the afterlife.
Diana: It was high time. This duel drained me of all my strength. If there were more tricks on their part, I could have faint at any moment now.
Kaiba: Me too. These lunatics were stronger than before. If the duel hadn't ended, I could have ended it with magic, despite my own principles.
Yami: At least this time the seal of the oricalcus was out of their control.
Kaiba: Only? Diana was in Ra's possession. If this god was against us, we would not be able to defend ourselves completely.
Yami: We were lucky that Diana managed to win Ra during your tournament. If she hadn't stopped us while we were rivals, maybe to this day we wouldn't be able to tolerate each other and we would be easy targets for these anarchists.
Kaiba: Amen to that bro *chuckles in return before they fist bump* Who will carry the princess back to the castle?
Yami: If you suggest I call a centaur, forget it. I still have energy for one last walk to the dormitories.
Diana only laughs this out however before squealing when Yami picks her up bridal style during which Kaiba chuckles and picks up their bags and duel disks before droping them in a cart they had for their night collecting for potion ingredients.
Prof. Dumbledore: I suggest we go too. Now is not the time to tell them we are here. The children need rest more than us. They survived enough for one day.

Several years later during the Tri-Wizard tournament Yami gets dragged into it without him even putting his name in the goblet of fire. This however can't be changed which ends up with Kaiba and Diana watching Yami pacing back and forth in the Slytherin common room

Yami: how did my name get into it... it's impossible.

Kaiba: The only thing I can think of is through magic.

Yami: yeah but who and why?

Diana: I think for the same reason that Potter's name was in the goblet. The dark lord has connections even here.

Kaiba: agreed, why are we even surprised.

Yami: Because we have seen these challenges before

Kaiba: exactly.

Yami: And I'm afraid because of the black lake

Kaiba: what makes you say that?

Diana: Because he can't swim

Kaiba: you've got to be joking...

Yami: I'm not and I'm even more scared that Diana will be on the bottom

Kaiba: will you relax, we'll think of something

Diana: Yami do you want me to spend the night with you before the second challenge? We both can so you will know none of us is down there

Yami: Yeah, that would help a lot

Kaiba: Speaking of which why did Dumbledore ask for your puzzle this morning?

Yami: not sure

Diana: What if he decides to put it in the lake?

Yami: let's just hope not, that would be very bad.

Kaiba: Why would it be tho? We can get it easier out

Yami: as can anyone else

Diana: Shit. We haven't thought of that

Yami: which means it can get into the wrong hands and as you both know how much power the puzzle holds.

Kaiba: We will need to brake some rules then

Yami: we'll have no other choice if we want to keep it out of the wrong hands

The three then call it a night just to gather around the next day before the first challenge with the dragons in the same area where Hermione came to see Harry
Diana: You sure you are ready for this?

Yami: as ready as I can be.

Kaiba: We will be waiting back here when its over. Just breathe okay?

Yami: thanks, i need all the support i can get.

Diana then pulls him into a hug and presses her lips to his

Yami's eyes widen before they close as his arms wrap around her hugging and kisses her back

Diana: You are not alone.... I'm here .... and I will be waiting for you

Yami: thank you...hearing you say that means everything to me...

Diana then returns her lips to his and hands on to him for dear life

Yami smiles as he kisses her back holding onto her like it's the last time he'll ever see her.
Kaiba: About time. *says smiling before looking at the faces around him trying hard not to burst out laughing right then and there*

Atem/Yami Yugi Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now