❤❤❤ Diana X Atem ft. THE MAZE RUNNER ❤❤❤

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As the gang landed one by one in what appeared like a maze in the middle of no where they had no memory of who they were apart of their names, however one person did manage to rally them together and that was the leader Alby's girlfriend Diana who helped all of them one by one out of the box as each month a different member arrived till the day when Joey, Tea, Tristan, Yugi and Kaiba came around the box with a stranged feeling as Newt, Thomas, Minho and Ably oppened the doors just for Diana to gasp and spring to the edge of the box where an egyptian prince lay knocked out cold on the metal floor
Diana: Seto grab a rope and a can of water. I'm going down there

Kaiba: on it. *runs off to get what Diana asked*

Diana: Okay we have a big box in as well and it looks like craft matirial *says as she waits for Kaiba to return*

shortly after that Kaiba returns with a rope and a can of water.
Kaiba: here you are.

Diana then swings the rope around tree trunk and motions for Joey, Tristan and Kaiba to come over

Tristan and Joey: *walkover* what can we do Diana.

Diana: You will pull when I tell you too *says before jumping down in the box just as the boy was starting to wake up as sit up*

Tristan, Joey and Kaiba: Right.
Tea: sounds like he's come too.

Diana: Hey *says as she helps the prince up* Are you alright? Do you remember your name?

The boy: Hey, I'm alright and I do my name is Atem. What is your name?

Diana: I'm Diana and this is the Glade *says as she leads him towards the rope*

Atem well it's nice to meet you Diana and okay. *says as he follows*

Diana: You boys ready?

Tristan, Joey and Kaiba: at your command Diana. *call back grabbing onto the rope to pull them up*

Diana then uses the rope or blance and looks at Atem before having them pull them up before the three boys can jumps in the box and pull up the craft box to which Atem had a key for

Tristan: what's in the box?
Joey: more important where's the key?

Atem then unlocks it and Diana helps him pull out decks of cards and duel disks
Diana: Hey Seto, come check this out. These seem familiar

Kaiba: *walks closer* yeah your right, it's very familiar.
Newt: what are they?
Thomas: they're just cards what can they do to help us, nothing.

Yugi: Hey this is mine *says as he pulls a desk and looks at the cards*

Diana: I think we can get them to work but their power seems to be used up *says as she passes a disk to Kaiba*

Kaiba: *takes it* I think I maybe know how to fix that.

Diana: Do you want help?

Kaiba: all the help is welcome. *says with a small smile*

Atem: I can help as well. I think I remember how these were suppose to work
Yugi: I do too and I believe we've met before and not just because we look alike

Atem: we do look alike and I felt the same that a few of you are familiar in a way.

Joey: In that case Seto we will bring these inside a shed, so you can work away from this extreme heat

Kaiba: thanks, appreciate it.

Diana: alright I will be with you soon then. Newt lets go in again and see what else is in the box *says as she jumps in again*

Newt: Right behind you. *says jumping after her*


A few months later everything gets a bit more interesting cause the gang becomes a lot more opened up to each other, they laugh a lot, talk none stop and duel like crazy. Atem also gets more comfortable walking round after a wardrobe change and starts to remember more. Alby however gets a bit possesive of Diana and tries to talk her out of spending soo much times with him but Seto comes to the rescue every times and pulls Diana out of the situation. Today ws also one of those days however Diana had other ideas for it

Diana: I think we should break up

Alby: wait what, why?

Diana: Because you can't mess with my relationships with people I've known before this trap

Alby: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Diana: Really? Then why are you always trying to keep me away from Prince Atem?

Alby: Cuz I don't like you two being so close, you're my girlfriend.

Diana: And he's my best friend. I grew up with him

Alby: that still doesn't change anything, i can see the way he acts around you and I don't like it. I'm just trying to look out for you and to protect you.

Diana: You have nothing to protect me from. That's Seto's job. He's the one I value like an older brother that would be amazing in that position which is why I allow it

Alby: you can't be serious about breaking up right?

Diana: I am. Atem has been my best friend since I was 5 and i won't loose him over a guy

Alby: So it's because of him your leaving me, don't tell me its because he's some kind of prince or whatever

Diana: He's my family

Alby: Fine, have it your way.

Diana: Thank you *says before heading towards the gang*

Alby: I'm gonna get you for this Atem. *thinks as he watches Diana leave*

Meanwhile Joey and Kaiba were dueling and Atem was laying under a tree already bored with the world around him while everyone else was watching the duel

What he did notice however was Diana heading over starts to smile upon seeing her

Diana: You okay there My King?

Atem: just bored I guess, what have you been up to?

Diana: I just broke up with Alby

Atem: Oh, he didn't take it well did he?

Diana: Jealousy blinds him

Atem: I noticed, like how he's glaring at me right now.

Diana: I don't like jealousy on anyone else but you

Atem: *chuckles* come here, lay down with me. *says opening his arms for her ignoring the look of jealousy and hate he's getting from Diana's Ex boyfriend*

Diana smiles widely as she leans down and moves her body as close as possible to his

Atem smiles as he wraps his arms around her holding her even closer against him

Diana: I missed you dearly

Atem: i missed you more. *says placing light kisses where he can reach*

Diana: I love you soo much My King

Tea smacks Joey hard on the back of his head while shooting him a glare.
Atem: I love you too now and forever.


Tea: Kaiba! Not you too?!

Kaiba: She's like my sister and I'm too young to be a godfather

Tea: *facepalms* Idiots, just leave them be sheesh.

Diana only giggles in return however before pressing her lips to Atem's

Atem smiles as he kisses her back with all the love he has in him.
Meanwhile, the gang just share looks, shake their heads and smile as they continue what they were doing while doing their best to give Atem and Diana some privacy.

Atem/Yami Yugi Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now