♥♥♥ Yami Yugi X Diana Muto ♥♥♥

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After the duel ended and Yami's points hit 0 , Diana sighed knowing very well what that meant but instead of staying to say farewell like Yugi and the others she turned around and make her way towards the exit

Yami while he was smiling notices her walking away from the corner of his eyes and frowns
Yugi: *notices this and turns his head to see his sister walking away and calls out to her* Sis, where you going?

Diana: To get some air. Find me after this place turns into ruins

Joey: hold on now.
Tea: you can't just leave like that.

Diana: Watch me *says as she reaches the steps*

at that, the gang and Yugi share looks before shifting their gaze to Yami wondering what he's gonna say or do.
Yami without thinking or saying anything goes after her
Yugi and his friends blink a few times surprised as they watch Yami go after her.

Just then however the tomb starts to shake and tho anubis like guards appear and put their weapons before her getaway
Diana: Hey! What the hell is this for?

Yami: odd. *says coming to a stop beside Diana*
Yugi: *nods and hums in agreement* I wonder...

Diana only glares in return before snapping her fingers and appears on the other side of them

Joey: what's the big idea?!
Yami: Diana, what is the real reason why you wanna leave so bad? *asks a sad look in his eyes as he takes a step forward*

Diana: Because I have no reason to stay

Yami: you're wrong, it would hurt me greatly if you are not here better yet I refuse to go anywhere now.

Diana: I think it's best if this is our farewell here Atem

Yami: No, i refuse it this way. I'm not going back, not like this.

Diana: Goodbye Atem *says as she continues her way up the steps and towards a near by horse*

at that Yami feels something break inside as tears well up in his eyes as he watches her walk away, soon after that tears start falling
Yami: why...what have I done to deserve this...

Kaiba: it's not you personally. Your friend Tea's reactions made her reconsider her choices. Diana doesn't want to watch you leave

Tristan: that doesn't make much sense.
Joey: how would you even know that Rich boy? *says narrowing his eyes at Kaiba*
Tea: me? What did I do?
Yugi: Sis, none of us want to see him leave but it's just how it is...we'll always have the memories thou.

Kaiba: I cn't believe that I am the only one who sees what is happening. Yugi, how would you feel if the love of your life was about to leave this world forever?

Yugi: Oh...
Tristan and Joey: wait what?
Mokuba: *face palms* Idiots.
Yami: she...loves me...*his tears stop altogether as his eyes are wide feeling stupid not to have noticed* Diana, is this true? *asks jogging after her and grabbing her wrist*

Diana: Idiot, what are you doing?

Yami: what do you think? Stopping the person I love most from leaving.

Diana: Me leaving? What's the difference when you are leaving as well?

Yami: you want me to stay then I will.

Diana: Don't you want to go home?

Yami: partly yes but a bigger part of me would rather stay here with you.

Diana: Who told you about this anyways?

Mokuba: that would have been Seto, cuz your brother and his friends are idiots.

Yugi, Tristan, Tea, Joey: hey!
Tristan: who are you calling idiots?

Diana: Hey loud mouth, what the hell were you thinking? *asks with a glare towards her best friend*

Kaiba: Sorry, someone had to do it.

Diana: You are not Cupid however Seto

Kaiba: I know that I just couldn't stand watching and listening to them anymore

Diana: Even so you didn't need to guilt him. He had a chance to go home and he still does

Kaiba: too late for that.

Diana: It's not late and you should know best

Kaiba: can't believe I'm gonna say this...*grumbles* It's his choice, not ours.

Diana: Exactly. Why did you think I decided to leave?

Yami: and my choice is to stay here with Diana.
Tristan and Joey: hold on..you can't be serious...after everything?
Yami for the first time gives Joey and Tristan the same look that Kaiba gives them most of the time.
Kaiba can't help the amused look in his eyes at seeing it.

The puzzle then starts to glow before breaking in half and disappearing into thin air

Yugi: well okay...

Ishizu: I had a feeling this might happen but I didn't think his will was this strong

Tea: What are you talking about Ishizu?

Ishizu: The pharaoh always did seem to try to impress Diana but Kaiba was the only one who ever knew because he was told on the other end how amuzing his attempts were

Kaiba: not gonna deny that I mean come on it was pretty amusing

Tristan and Joey: To you!

Ishizu: Says the guy who does the same to make it up to me for Battle City

Tristan and Joey snicker at that only getting a glare from Kaiba which they ignore.

Ishizu: Besides I thought that little story ended when I agreed to go out with you

Mokuba: I knew it! *calls out*

Tea: wait what? Ishizu your really dating Kaiba? *asks eyes wide in shock and surprise*

Kaiba: And they called me the loud mouth

Mokuba: Sorry Seto, came out before I could stop it. *smiles sheepishly*

Kaiba: Then it's good I haven't outed you about Rebecca yet *winks in return*

Mokuba: Seto! that was supposed to stay between us. *frowns and pouts*
Yugi: wait Mokuba, you like Rebecca?
Marik: wait huh?
Odion: did we just hear all that right?

Ishizu: Even if you did, it's none of your business who I sleep with

Marik: you slept with him?!
Odion: I did not needed to know that...

Diana: What is this? An endless chain?

Yami: seems like it. *says with amusement in his eyes*

Diana: I suggest we go home then *says before getting on the horse and offering him a hand*

Yami: your wish is my comand. *smiles accepting her hand getting on behind her and wrapping his arms around her*

Diana giggle in return before leaning ber back against his chest and moving her hed to the side so her lips can end up before his

Yami doesn't hesitate for a second to connect their lips kissing her with the love he's always had for her.
Kaiba: let's go Mokuba, i don't wanna stay here any longer than i have to.
Mokuba: Coming. *follows his older brother*
Yugi: i guess we better get going as well.
the others are still a bit baffled at everything that just went down but they soon snap out of it and head out as well.

Atem/Yami Yugi Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now