"Me? Oh, I'm just driving, y'know."

"Jeremy." Dave says, trying to get him to press the brake again.

"Jeez, what?" Jeremy asks, oblivious.


Just as Dave speaks, a large thud is heard. You know that can't be good. You look at the front of the truck and see a dent placed in the bus. All three of you freeze, not knowing what to do. Jeremy is the first to turn away, trying to get away without Dave expressing any unpleasant emotions towards him. "Well, it was nice catchin' up with you, buddy. I'll see ya-"

"OH NO, YOU FUCKING DON'T!" Dave shouts, beyond angry. You back away from him, not wanting to be caught up in all of this. "You just jeopardized my household! If Scott- I mean- those orphans I give shelter to here find out about this it'd be just awful!" What orphans? You never heard about any orphans. You're sure he's just guilt-tripping Jeremy.

"Dave, come on. I don't think I can even do anything right now."

"Dave, let's calm down and think about this rationally. What is Jeremy supposed to do?" You question. You try to think of something to fix this, but your mind goes blank. You have no clue.

"He can give me his insurance number."

"Insurance...? Uh, I have a better idea! Let's all get to work on fixing this! So, do you have anything in mind?" Jeremy turns to the two of you. Dave rolled his eyes, annoyed and nervous about the whole situation.

"Oh, I think I've got this handled," Dave states. He then runs away, and you glance at Jeremy.

"How's your night going?" You ask.

"It's going great!" Jeremy exclaims. Apparently, this situation doesn't phase him.

Dave then comes back with a sticker book in hand. He gets down and starts to cover the dent with them. You go to help him, knowing you should.

"There! That should do it!" Dave cheers, standing back up. You hear all the stickers start to come off of the bus, and sigh. Time for another plan.

"Nice work," Jeremy comments.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure your idea is much better."

"Is that a challenge?" Jeremy pushes Dave out of the way, and he stumbles back into you. You stabled him, and watched Jeremy kick the bus. Suddenly the dent disappeared.

"Good job, Jeremy!" You congratulate, right before two dents show back up. "...Nevermind."

"You stay at work, I'm going to go rest," Dave says. He grabs your hand, dragging you away from the bus.

"What?! That's not fair!" Jeremy yells. You had to agree with him. You pull your hand away from Dave, trying to get him to go help Jeremy. He's still young, he makes mistakes. This is one of them.

"Hm, you're right. Why don't you give me your insurance number and we'll call it a day?" Jeremy glares at Dave, before continuing to try and fix the dent. Dave turns to you. "C'mon, darlin'."

"If you're so worried about it, shouldn't you fix it?" You ask him. Dave frowns before walking over to a lamp post and sitting down. "Jeez, Dave..." You sit beside him on the uncomfortable ground. Then he shuffles over to you and sits with his back against you. You wrap your arms around him, comforting him. "Nothing bad will happen, I promise."

"Do ya mean it?" Dave whispers, sleepily.

"I do. But, if you do get kicked out, you're always welcome at mine," you reply. He nods.

Before you know it, Dave's sleeping. You decide to rest your eyes as well, comfortable with Dave in your arms.


You awake later, Dave still asleep against you. You smile, and look up. You notice that Jeremy is still here, trying to fix the dent. He has paint rollers applying paint to the bus. You knew Dave would freak out if he saw this, so you try to get out from behind him without waking him.

"...(Y/N)?" Dave stirred. You saw him open his eyes and look towards the bus. He jumped out of your arms and stomped towards Jeremy. "What the fuck?!"

"Oh, hey Dave! Almost done here!" Jeremy says with a smile.

"Urgh... Well, I hope you're ready to explain yourself to those orphans!" As Dave is yelling, Jeremy gets into his truck and speeds off. You wave to him.

"Ya better get going, (Y/N). I don't think ya wanna deal with my... friends," Dave turns to you.

"Well, I'll be waiting if you need a ride. You know which one is mine," you point at the parking lot that has a few cars parked in it. You notice people coming out of Walmart. You definitely recognized one of them from when you dropped Dave off. "Dave? Aren't those your friends?"

"Oh, shit! Just, uh, stand here, then leave after they get here, okay?" Dave plans. You nod, and stand where he ordered you to. When the two got near, Dave pulled you close, and quickly kissed you. "Have a goodnight, darlin'!"

You waved goodbye, and walked off to your vehicle. You didn't fully understand Dave's plan, but you assume that you were used as a distraction for the two. Smart.


Hi! I'm sorry I changed the storyline a bit, I just don't want to ignore any Dave interactions. But, I like how this chapter came out I guess. It was fun to write. Thank you so much to everyone! Have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now