"In fact I have a something to say to all of you" Tron said, looking to all the white-lined guards inside the Coliseum floor, then turning his gaze up to stare at the programs in the stands.

He felt an unfamiliar application settle on him, he blinked. It felt like...amplification software? It had been cycles since he'd felt an application like that. He looked to the program it was coming from. It was the purple haired music program. Hilda, if he remembered correctly. She smiled brightly and gestured for him to speak. When he did, his voice echoed off the walls of the Coliseum, thunderous in its intensity.

"Programs of Argon, security programs of the Black Guard. You know who I am and who I fight for. And I have news for you. Users have returned to the Grid. CLU has been destroyed" He waited a moment to let this sink in. Shouts of surprise, fear and maybe a couple whoops of jubilation swirled through the air.

"For so many cycles you have bent to CLU's will. You have lived in fear under the will of the occupation. But now I ask you to choose. Will you follow the remnants of the regime? Will you flee? Or will you throw them off and take your city back? I know my own choice" He drew both his discs and took a fighting stance facing Dyson. "But I'm willing to bet I won't fight alone"

The crowd was silent for several long moments as he and Dyson shared a long baleful look.

"Derezz them. Derezz anyone that threatens the order of the Grid" Dyson ordered. The guards that still glowed red and orange lit their discs and staffs. Then a disc powered to life immediately to Tron's left. He looked to see Sam Flynn and Quorra standing at his side. Beck and Paige moved to stand on his right. More discs hummed as the rest of their knot of fighters prepared for battle.

"Resist!" Came a scream from the stands. Tron perked up to see a common program swing a disc at one of the guards still in orange that stood up on the perimeter of the coliseum. That did it.

Dyson swung his lash as a knot of guards charged forward to support him. And everything turned to chaos.

Tron went straight for Dyson, trusting the programs and Users at his sides to handle the guards. The former allies clashed. But Tron pressed forward with grim certainty. The last time they fought, Dyson had surprised him with his modified disc. He hadn't quite known how to fight such a weapon and had taken a couple nasty hits as a result. But Tron knew better now.

Dyson moved in sharp arcs of motion, spinning and gaining momentum as he went. Unlike with a thrown disc he could change direction with the slightest pivot and control the flow of the fight. So Tron charged inside his range, slashing and forcing him backwards to gain the range he needed to use his weapon effectively.

"Still scraping to the User Tron? After Flynn betrayed every program on the Grid? After he fled and left you in pieces? They don't care about us Tron. They never have" Dyson hissed between strikes. Tron darted around him, forcing him to do a double hand block with his disc.

"Stop talking and fight" Tron growled, forcing him further backward. Though the battle raged around them, they were slashed at each other with abandon. Likely your average guard wouldn't want to get in range of either of them when their discs and lines were glowing overload bright with their rage.

"What will come of this? Even if you beat me they'll still leave. They'll go back to their world and you'll be left with a system with no administrator, no way to build. You'll have nothing but ashes left to you when they're gone"

Tron pulled back and the two circled each other. Tron wasn't even tracking how the battle went around them. They had a decent sized bubble of space, so he focused all his attention on his opponent. It seemed like the Grid had shrunk to just the two of them. "And who set the fire Dyson? You and CLU betrayed your directive and every program on the Grid has paid the price. I'm here to make sure you're held responsible"

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now