Start from the beginning

He muttered a curse under his breath as he pushed his way through the bodies. His heart was pounding, anxiously beating on its own time as it searched for it's other half- the one that cut off the connection well before it's time.

He underestimated the difference he would feel if she had gone through with it. But it was noticeable. He had no pit in his stomach that felt heavy when she was hurt, no signal in his brain that he felt when she was near. He felt completely alone, breathing and moving on his own sheer will.

He'd seen the damages of what she'd done, girls passed out in back alleys with teeth marks in their necks. Alive, but barely. He'd assumed it was someone else's work, which was naïve in itself. The sight of her only confirmed it.

There was no use to even try calling out her name, the music was too loud, and all it would do is drive her in the other direction. He was wandering aimlessly through the crowd, with absolutely zero leads.

"What the hell?" A female voice says.

Kai spins around, Bonnie standing behind him with nothing but hatred on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She asks with disgust.

"I—" Kai glances quickly from Bonnie to around the crowd for Daisy. He looks back to her. "I need to talk to you, too."

Bonnie narrows her eyebrows. "I want nothing to do with you." She says.

Kai clenches his jaw, looking up from Bonnie again, catching glance at Daisy at just the right time as she slips out a back door. "I have to go." He says, quickly looking back down to Bonnie. "I'm so sorry- I—" That's what he wanted to say to Bonnie in the first place, but for a different reason that wasn't slipping out of a conversation too early.

Bonnie had gotten away before Kai could say anything else, and he let out a frustrated groan as he found himself once again, pushing through crowds of people.

Guilt pounded at his head, but he needed to find Daisy first. To do what, he had no idea. To admire it all? To stop her from doing something she'd regret? He assumed it was too late for that.

The relief of cold air returned, and he hadn't realized how unnaturally hot it was inside until it hit him. He'd stepped out into the backside of the club, into the dimly lit alleyway that housed a few dumpsters and empty creates.

Daisy stood at the end of the alley, in front of the only other exit, a wire fence that was too tall to climb over and very much locked shut.

She stood in the shadows, her silhouette the only thing visible to his eyes. Pacing back and forth, her chest rising up and down quickly.

She stopped, and turned to face him. "Leave." She spoke.

He clenched his jaw. "You're usually supposed to clean up your meals when you're done with them." He says, raising his voice slightly as the music was still loud, even outside.

"Stop it, Kai." She says, shaking her head annoyedly.

"Damon had to do that for you, actually." He huffs. "Pretty rude."

"I just came out here for fresh air, you can go back inside now." She says, still lingering in the dark.

He let out a sigh, watching as her feet were still pulling her back and forth in an anxious pace. Her hands were up at her chest, and he knew she was probably picking at her the skin around her fingernails. A habit she had when she was bored, or upset.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now