House of Hauntings

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Nicholas"Are you sure it's moving?"

Nina puts her ear next to it.

Nina"It sounds like a clock."

Fabian"Yeah, yeah, it's moved. Look," Fabian confirms, showing us his phone. The photo he has taken was now completely different.

Fabian"The moon's going to eclipse the sun."

Patricia"What happens then, we lose?"

Nina"Whatever happens, it means we have to find all the reflectors, and fast. What have you got so far?"

Amber "What's this one with the mutant lollipop?"

Nina "That's the symbol for child,"

Fabian"No, doll, symbol for a doll, like dollhouse?

Nina" The riddle doll." The one from the attic I accidentally broke the first night back, the one with the tears of gold riddle! "It had glass eyes. It was in the attic, and then Victor took. I think...but not the face. The face broke off when I dropped it."

Amber"Uh, hate to rain on your parade but was that right before Trudy chunked everything that was in the attic?"

Nicholas "No, if the eye's been trashed, then there's no way we're ever gonna finish the task."

My sister starts to panic and it's understandable we have a ancient spirt on our backs

Fabian"Look, we'll ask the dollhouse first"

Fabian tries to reassure her.

Fabian" We can't have lost one of the reflectors. If we have... "Then we'll panic. Plan?"


Patricia "I can hear voices from in there."

Amber"It's The Twins and Mara," Amber informs. "This must be the living room.

Charlie's POV

Eddie and I are sat either side of Mara still looking at old footage and discussing how we could get some new ones.

Mara"What are the conditions?"

Eddie "Well, most are found in attics or cellars. Fail."

Mara"What's second?"

I look at Eddie he too has the same thought.

Twins"They only come out in the dark."

We both walk over to the light switches to turn them off. Mara doesn't look so sure.

Mara"Is that a fact?"

Eddie"How can a million movies be wrong?"

Charlie" Eddie's right, come on Mara"

Mara"Well, you better stay close, I'm scared of the dark."

I sit down the other side of Mara and then we hear something it sounded like a human shouting

Twins"What was that?"

The twins and Mara sit there now a bit afraid.

Mara "It sounded like it said 'turn the light back on.'"


Mara"So turn the light back on!"

Charlie"You want to do what it wants?"

Mara "It's what I want, too!"

Eddie" you believe us now?"

Mara "Okay, but we don't have to be here though, right? The camera's running. We can check it in the morning."

Eddie"In the morning.


Nina's POV

After managing to make it past the camera we headed upstairs to mine and Ambers Room.

Alfie' Real smooth Trixie, why did you do that?"

Patricia"Sorry, guys, "I just don't know what came over me."

Amber's mouth drops open and she points toward the wardrobe we've locked the dollhouse up in, exclaiming.

Amber"The dollhouse!"

The wardrobe, while still locked, looks like something gold is glowing on the inside. The dollhouse must be giving us another clue!

Nina "Please, Sarah!"

I run towards the wardrobe, unlocking it

Nina"Please, Sarah, tell me that the doll's still here."

I open the dollhouse and we crowd around. The figurines, which were last seen in the kitchen, are now hanging out in the entrance hall downstairs.

Fabian"The entrance hall,"

Nina"Come on,"

We both head downstairs and there is one Jerome Clarke standing in the doorway.

Jerome"What has to be here somewhere?"

I go to explain then realise I don't have to explain myself.

Nina"My...nothing. "Where are you going?"

Jerome"Nowhere, Just a casual stroll 'round our beautiful rambling grounds."

Alfie"Dude, it's a little late for an evening stroll," Alfie points out.

Jerome"I agree," "Which is why I can't spend another second speaking to you people. Good night."

Jerome's POV

I ran across the wet grass it had been raining the night before. I entered library and it looked like Jasper had been waiting for me. He was all anxious.

Jasper" Have you got it?"

Jerome" No, sorry, but I have got something, your collector will be interested in"

I hand over the doll to Jasper and he looks at it weird until I show that it has the name Sarah on it.

Jasper" Okay, well, this might do"

Jerome" And listen to this"

I pull the string and the doll speaks.

Athenaeum is the place to look.
Lift the wings to find the book.
Hidden in this book of old, Water of life and tears of gold.

Jasper" Oh, yes, He'll be very interested in this"

Jerome"Are you meeting him here?"

Jasper"No, jepwoods heath.

Charlie's POV

Jerome, my twin and I are crouched behind a wall with a bikes on the floor.

Charlie" This is crazy, I can't believe we are here"

Eddie" Me neither, I mean I never thought I would be staking out, let alone with my twin sister and her boyfriend"

Jerome" Shhh, I hear something coming"

We all peep over the wall and see a car, then we see Vera hop out of it.

Charlie"Vera, I knew it"

Jerome" I can't believe it"

Eddie" Charlie always said"

But then a hooded figure follows her.

Jerome,Eddie,Charlie" What?"

Collector" What? I don't see a Dollhouse, are you incapable of completing one simple task?"

Jasper" I need an assurance from you that Trudy is unharmed"

Collector" She is safe for now, where is the Dollhouse?"

Jasper"It's coming, but it takes time, Meanwhile, I've got this"

Jasper holds up the doll.

Vera" Where did you get that?"

Jasper" It belonged to Sarah Frobisher-Smythe, and it plays a message.Listen"

Collector" I don't need a doll.I need a Dollhouse!"

Meanwhile, Eddie, Jerome and I have tried to get a closer look and Jerome trips on something. All three of us then lean back against the wet stone wall.

Vera" What was that? Have you brought someone with you?"

Collector" You better not have"

All three of us are now pressed up as close as we can do the wall, the indents of it digging into our backs. I then feel Jerome squeeze my left hand and Eddie squeezes the right hand. We can just see Vera in the outline of our vision. I am breathing very heavy and I can feel my brother and Jerome doing the same.

Story Notes
So a lot happening in this chapter, The Twins are ghosting hunting with Mara while also helping Jasper and Jerome with the collector, Sibuna try to figure out how they can get The Twins and Mara off focus from Senkara and still sort out the reflectors.

Authors Notes
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The Miller Twins (1) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora