House of Sorry

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Mr Sweet stands as he gets ready to deliver the verdict and he keeps glancing at me and Eddie not very happy, we stand there arms crossed.

Immediately after the awful verdict is announced, those of us from Anubis House that are currently present (that'd be everyone except for Alfie, Amber, Nina, and Fabian) start shouting protests, while Sweet, still angry about the cowboy video it appears, shouts at us to be quiet. Joy, Trudy, and Mrs. Andrews rush to a sobbing Mara, telling her not to worry.

Charlie's POV

Nina" I can't believe he expelled her, has anyone seen her ?"

Joy" No, I can't believe how mad Sweetie was, not even Victor goes that purple"

Patricia "I hope you two are pleased with yourselves, pranking Sweetie like that"

Charlie"Yeah, right. Because we were the only ones in his face all week?"

Patricia" And guess who made Mara go public in the first place."
Eddie "Hey, we wasn't the ones that told her to write some libellous article on Vera. She did that all by herself, she's the one that wrote the arti—

Mara then walks in and Eddie stops and I finish the sentence.

Charlie "Exceptionally well-written, though."
Patricia "Oh, that's right, Worm your way out, just like always."
Charlie "Hey, we are not worming anywhere, okay?"

Eddie" We are probably history, just like Mara."
Patricia  "I hope Sweetie does get even and expels the both of you"
Fabian"That's pretty harsh, Patricia."
Mara "Yeah, no point blaming the twins I was the one who wrote the article. I clearly got it very wrong."
Jerome"But there is something off about Vera,"
Mara "No, Jerome, it's over."
Jerome"It's not over until it's over."
Mrs Andrews "Oh, sorry I'm late. Um, Mara? Eddie? Charlie? Mr. Sweet would like to see the three of you."
Eddie "Looks like you got your wish,"

Charlie's POV

I am standing outside Sweetie's office with my twin, we are waiting to see him while he deals with Mara.

Charlie" Eddie we have to do something this is our fault, come on"

Eddie" What are we going to do?"

Charlie" We have to stop him from expelling Mara"

Me and Eddie burst into his office.

Eddie"We all know it's us you're really mad at, so why are you taking it out on Mara?"
Jerome "The first useful thing you two have said all term" 

Nina "We're not leaving until you let Mara stay,"
Fabian"Yeah, seconded, Mara's done more for this school than most of us put together."
Mr Sweet"Out, all of you! "Out of my office immediately! Out, come on, out!"  

Sweetie then pushes everyone out of his office including me and Eddie.

After deciding to go back to the house to pack our things, I am sat in Eddie's room while he packs. The door then opens and in walks Sweetie.

Mr Sweet" I'm so disappointed in you both"

Eddie" What's new Dumbledore"

I chuckle making Sweetie look at me.

Mr Sweet" I mean I always though this place might bring out the worst in you but I hoped you would both prove me wrong"

Charlie" Well looks like we both disappointed you again"

Mr Sweet" Well it looks like you finally got what you wanted"

Eddie" Oh what's that is Victor turning the cellar into a arcade"

I chuckle again.

Mr Sweet" I am sending both of you home"

Eddie" One step ahead of you Eric"

Mr Sweet then sighs and replies back with.

Mr Sweet" Why can't you two call me.."

Twins" DAD!"

Eddie" Why would we, you've never been a father to us"

Charlie" And you never will"

I could see that Mr Sweet was holding back tears I try not to look at him as Eddie expresses rage for the both of us. I sit back down on the bed as he opens the door and there stands Patricia and Jerome.

Patricia and Jerome" Mr Sweet is your dad?"

Mr Sweet" If you want to talk to me twins then you know where to find me"

Patricia then walks over to Eddie and Jerome looks at me. I pull him out of the doorway.

Jerome" So Mr Sweet is your dad?"

Charlie" Yes Jerome, Mr Sweet is my dad"

Jerome" Why didn't you tell me"

Charlie" Because me and Eddie were not going to tell anyone"

Jerome" Look, I want to be mad but we haven't even been dating that long and I'm not always truthful so if you are okay with it, I'm okay with it"

Charlie" Thanks Jerome"

Jerome" I'll see you later yeah"

I smile as Jerome walks off, I then looks around at Eddie, the same can not be said for my twin. I sigh.

Charlie" Come on it's time for TDC"

Eddie" TDC?"

Charlie" Twin Damage Control"

Eddie*chuckles* You are so weird"

Charlie" And we are twins so I'm afraid you are too"

Story Notes:
So because of the twins prank it got Mara expelled, lucky Sweetie changed his mind then he has a talk with his twins who never saw him as a dad. Patricia and Jerome now know that Mr Sweet is the twins dad think they can keep it to themselves.

Authors Notes
Okay so the moment Mr Sweet and Eddie have in this episode I was most excited to edit this. I can't wait for your comments on this one. Hope you enjoyed reading because I certainly enjoyed writing.

Oh yeah apologies for the lack of Sibuna action. I don't think there is much in the ep anyway.


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