only one can remain

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three henchmen were currently walking in the mountains looking for someone

henchmen 1: where the heck is he

henchmen 2: I don't know but we can't go back empty handed

???: who dares enter my domain?

they look up to see the person they're looking for in a tree. He then charged at them and starts to attack them. After a while they then run away

(y/n): hey get back here!

after a while he loses them

(y/n): where did you go?!

as I was running I see a letter on a pedestal

(y/n): what the heck is this?!

Suddenly, a bird flies onto (y/n)'s shoulder.

(y/n): Hello my feathered underling.

Bird: What you got there?

(y/n): A letter.

(y/n) then opens the letter

(y/n): Oh my god.

Bird: What?

(y/n): I can't read. What's it say?

The bird starts to read the letter

Bird: dear Mr (l/n) you are hereby invited to participate in the tournament of elements by master Chen. If you agree to do this then come to the docks at midnight tonight. Bring no weapons and tell no one of this or there will be consequences sincerely, master Chen. A tournament of elements? what does that even mean?

the letter then explodes into smoke

(y/n): eh what the heck? I've got nothing else to do. Might as well win this thing. To the docks!

(y/n) then started to make his way to the docks but he doesn't know where it is

(y/n): Uh, where's the docks.

Bird: *sigh* follow me

They then make there way to the docks.


I then arrived at the docks confused of all the buildings and see a bunch of people at the docks and walks up to them

(y/n): is this the tournament of elements?

Lloyd: yeah, I'm Lloyd and who are you?

(y/n): i'm (y/n) the king of the mountains!

Kai: right

a boat then arrives at the dock and a girl steps on

Clouse: Watch your step, madam.

Kai looks at her and sighs

Lloyd: We can't let anything distract us. You hear me, Kai?

Kai: Uh? Uh, yeah. Uh, got it. Whatever you said

they then hear (y/n) stuttering

Jay: hey, you okay

(y/n): what the heck is that creature?! out of my way! i'm coming through!

he then barges through everyone and gets on the boat

(y/n): now to find the weak spot!

he then runs off

Clouse: stop him

the henchmen then chase after him

Clouse: Master Chen will be charmed to see you've accepted his offer. A Master of Spinjitzu shall fare favorably in his Tournament

Lego Ninjago x Inosuke male readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ